
What a great story. There is actually something similar to my town going on. A young boy with brain cancer was sent home from the hospital to spend his last days at home. Since his favorite holiday is Christmas, and he won't make it, the entire town has decorated for Christmas. I believe they have even brought in fake

Australian here. I found out the United States didn't have universal healthcare during a social policy class at University and it totally floored me. I just assumed that you did, being the world's 'greatest' country and all. I then watched Michael Moore's 'Sicko' and was just shocked at how those who can't afford

My dad does the same, except he comes to warn me when shit is about to go down (job loss, boyfriend stuff, etc.); always with the scent of Old Spice and cigarettes.

Waukesha county. And I just Googled this and found several news stories saying bears are indeed roaming into Southern WI. Ohgeeze. Ohgeeze, you guise.

I am truly not trying to be judgmental, but if you are some type of hospital administrator, why would you feel as if it is ok to smoke marijuana at any point in time. Also, I know hospital guidelines & feel secure in saying that I am pretty sure that you were not supposed to be pulling up your own record.

I grew up in a house that has been in the family for a long time. My great-grandma with an abusive alcoholic husband lived and died there from a brain tumor. She died at almost the moment I was conceived. When I was a baby she would visit me in my crib (according to my mother, she suspected this and I have a vague

Dude, I'm there with you. I'm going to watch MASH and read romance novels for the rest of the night. I can't handle this, but I can't stop. I think I'm going to post my story which is pretty darn scary.

That picture of Paul Ryan is god damn priceless. What a tool!

I actually have breast cancer, so let me give you my perspective:

Clinique reformulated the Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion recently and it no longer contains parabens.

I'm not sure when he changed from looking like a child to SUPER FUCKING HOT, but I feel like a dirty old lady for the thoughts he gives me.


George Costanza/ Jason Alexander / Julie Louis-Dreyfus? Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

Judging from the comments, I THINK it has something to do with the uterus. Maybe.

Thank you all for the nice comments. I am very surprised to have received a positive response after all of the commotion out there on "teh interwebz." While I do see the point of the comments that essentially say that her sign is risque, if it started a debate that helped everyone see the type of protesting that was

You know, with Jezebel, I come for the witty articles, but I stay for the LaComtesse comments.

I wasn't sure whether you are a troll or not, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Publishing pix that sexualize a 12 year old child? The editors that made the decision do know that Sasha's dad is the Commander in Chief, right? Drone strike in 3, 2, ...