He made Drive Angry tolerable to me.
Poorly modified cars suck. Correctly modified cars can be SO much better than stock. The issue is that to properly modify a car you have to spend quite a bit more money than to do it the crappy way.
Shoulda been Gary Busey hosting.
SECRET for TOP GEAR success:
Oh yes, I know which road I’d rather drive—just not when it’s clogged with heavy interstate traffic, thanks.
Salt? Rust? Snow? What are these things?
Daily driving an e92 M3 and still sleeping soundly every night.
Wearing a huge turtle neck and pressing buttons on a tablet with your toes? You sir have weird aspirations! :)
That thing is gross.
You’re thinking of Estes, not the DPRK
Just to be clear, the US CAN afford to go to war with N. Korea. We shouldn’t, and Japan/S. Korea would get decimated, but we could certainly afford it.
I prefer to deal in rocket surgery myself.
if you can garuntee it only goes for roads and bridges i’m in. But I doubt that would ever happen.
Who is driving around with their doors unlocked?
yeah.. chill out with the sound nazi BS already.. Its a race track. Tracks make noise. If you bought a house knowing a track was near, and complain about the noise, you are an asshole!
How is this track not a UNESCO heritage site?!?
Stand Your Pickup Truck