You might have to push it out though.
You might have to push it out though.
Eat Arbys
I’ve got about 1500 hours in The Division. Pretty nonplussed at this point.
The question is which seat color is correct?
Do you go to the Nring? Do most high performance car owners go there?
What about the Lamborghini Huracan Perfumante?
General Motors Proving Ground, Mesa AZ. Most of this is a housing development now. You can still access the area if you’ve got a 4x4.
Depends on what your definition of is, is.
No, this is a Kremlin Plant
It also gives me things to do while on the crapper.
Best thing I’ve read on here all week.
Neutral: they won’t build the network because the market doesn’t want electric cars as they are today. Right now 80% of public wants a similarly priced electric car that can do the same duties their ICE car can do. Right now it doesn’t exist and until it does then the need for a long range network isn’t necessary.
When you want to preserve the original experience of oil consumption, poor gas mileage and unreliability but don’t want the horsepower.
You mean like the people who moved around Luke AFB in the middle of nowhere and then complain about the noise of the race track thats next door? Whats noisier F16s and F35s or someone in a Miata?
6th: Frankly couldn’t happen to a more deserving brand. Especially after that clean diesel ad bullshit. They make expensive, boring, unreliable cars and they deserve what’s coming.
Currency manipulation. Oh no, they can’t control that either.