Haha.. I too had to give it a second look...
I also paid for my own subway ticket back to the office.)
Please let the next Scion tC have this for a very badly needed additional OOMPH...
See.. what you don't understand is that automakers are artists, and the weird contraptions they produce are their canvases. So the tail light in question was supposed to be a new age Picasso of some sort.. What you say doesn't match, is a MASTERPIECE for them.. kapish?
I went light and came up with $23,600 of – to my mind – worthwhile options over the $84,600 base price. Let's see what you can do.
2nd Gear: Why Does Tesla Pay So Well?
Bespoke means custom made, unless you are being sarcastic, in which case.. yes you are right!!
How will the US Auto Dealers react to this? Stop foreign dealers from opening dealerships in their states? I thought with Tesla they had an argumentative case, however ridiculous it was. Now however, this move looks like a more direct competition to existing dealers, and more the reason they will raise a storm. Am I…
I thought driving might take more.. but I stand corrected.. thanks.. :)
How is FREEDOM a step?
To illustrate my point, allow me to explain two different methods of travelling to New York City from my residence in Philadelphia, which is about an hour and a half away.
Wow.. .thats nice.. I actually like the little extra storage for odds and ends... hope this doesn't reduce performance.. j/k..
I guess the world can end in .2 seconds...