
This new brand of "male power" that takes every single positive female movement and complains, "But what about men!?" is getting so ridiculous. I can't believe anyone takes these Brogressive meninist MRA types seriously.

No one wants to touch his face.

I once asked my daughter, she is 10, if she'd rather go to Disneyland or go to Arches National Park. She chose Arches. She's amazing.

Except some people who can't get the vaccine for legit reasons are getting sick too.

I'm baffled that those movies have made any money at all.

Yes…you do look fat in that dress.

Wife jokes! Amirite?

Winter's Tale is hands down the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life. It was so bad it was utterly worth watching. A friend and I were alone in the theater watching this so we were free to laugh our asses off. It was an amazing experience.

It's not the edit he wanted, but it's the edit we needed.

Oh, sweetie. I was blatantly raped when I was 5, several times. And the guy who did it to me just went off and joined the Navy. He was 3 weeks before his 18th birthday. Everyone, including the police, though this was the best way to handle it. We've come a long way since 1983.

Or at least change their names.

That is the kind of ego that only comes along once a century.

Yes yes…let's all hate on Courtney Love.

There is nothing wrong with a vagina during pregnancy.

I'm an atheist who likes unabashed glitter, lights, and mid-century Christmas tunes. YAY CHRISTMAS! (This movie looks hilarious and not the way intended.)

I LOVE that line!

That whole song makes my literary brain bleed.

The Michael Jackson one isn't weird…or not THAT weird in context of the song. That song is about the environment.

Years ago before it was taboo my husband used to become a "Rape Robot" and robotically hump me against a wall.

Not the way I make it.