
Yeah. Because if a homeless woman has Victoria’s Secret sweat pants, the value of the brand will tank, and that’s so much more important than making sure people have clothes to wear.

Except that, by all accounts, Jaleel White seems like a pretty decent dude.

“...but there he is, smiling in distressed denim and wearing bracelets he’s much too old for on this week’s People...”

In the very first episodes of Full House, Danny Tanner turns 30 and it’s a big deal.

My Egyptian friend forfeited an entire year of dental school because when she finished her final exam, she made a few doodles on the back page. Nothing lewd or salacious. Just her name, some clouds, a happy smiley face. She was just trying to kill time because you’re not permitted to give the test back until a certain

Meghan Markle’s sister needs to shut up already. Every interview she gives is just rehash of previous interviews. Also the sister and her publisher look silly with that title because any royal watcher knows that Princess Pushy is Princess Michael’s nickname and has been for a long time.

I have always disliked Anthony Bourdain so it’s been weird being on his side so much lately.

I think we can both support victims and be sad when we learn the truth about the predators we know. It fucking sucks to know that people who you know and have trusted turn out to be awful human beings, I know first hand. I get angry and sad every time I see a new man on the list because that means at least one more

I call shenanigans. They’re in cahoots together to create social media drama and drive traffic.

Jorni’s a fucking troll with half-a-dozen other burner accounts who runs around saying almost the right thing and talking to himself. The “minority” thing was intentional.

Was thinking the same thing. I mean, I find my own kids pretty cute, but I’m going to print that picture out and hang it on their wall to give them something to strive for (and a complex).

That is one of the most beautiful children I’ve ever seen.

I just feel they’re very superficial, masquerading as deep. And I associate it with that very commercial, consumerist, lean-in type feminism.

The whole thing looks obnoxious. And can someone please explain to me why inspirational quotes are so fucking popular with women? I feel like half my social media feed is women posting this shit in some stylized mock-handwritten font.

Who cares? Flights are horrible. People eat stinky food, they take up too much space. On more than one occasion the asinine banter of adults has been more annoying that children. Get over it. Flying sucks. Kids are kids.

oh I have no doubt about that. I’m not taking a flight with my kids solo to get a shining gold star for passenger of the year. I was silently cursing, sweating, and uncomfortable the whole time with anxiety and fear. I did the best I could by myself. I also understand that its no one else’s issue that I was flying

I guess it’s to illustrate that the person is “intelligent and sane”. But it’s a stupid, lazy analogy. I have a friend who has several masters degrees and he’s the least intelligent, most unstable weirdo I’ve ever met.

I gotta say, I actually thought this was the best apology we’ve seen from one of these scumbuckets. While I agree with Megan Reynolds that an apology doesn’t really “do” anything, at least Batali admitted to the behavior.

I get that they had to strap down for safety (and this is something I can see being inflexible about) but she did do that and crying babies are just something that we have to deal with to the best of our ability.

I’ve never laughed at anything Chelsea Handler said. Never. I watched her youtube clip of going to a wedding in India... just more proof that she’s a racist, wilfully ignorant ass.