OOH! And getting beat up by a skinhead! That was a Good Thing.
OOH! And getting beat up by a skinhead! That was a Good Thing.
Cat Bathing as a Martial Art:
Do you live inside Wind in the Willows? I am envious.
How did I know someone was gonna come at me with the ol’ “I love NWA so it’s cool” comment?
Former veterinary nurse here. Cats are desert animals and can go a bit without water (though eventually leads to kidney damage, temporary or permanent) and a few weeks without food though cats are much more damaged by missing a meal than other mammals. (Obligate carnivore). There is probably decent oxygen inside the…
This exactly. That cat probably went absolutely apeshit, and it would have been like trying to pry a mayo jar off of something while dozens of contaminated razor blades are swirling around your hands.
“I do not mean to disparage Ruggere’s compassion or mock her attempt to help a feline condiment fiend, but how do you let a cat with a jar on its head get away once the jar is in your hand? Seems like as a human without a jar on your head, you have a huge advantage over the cat whose entire world has been supplanted…
This is the second happiest I’ve been for a couple I’ve never met. The first was when I stuck on a text chain between a couple buying their first house and their realtor. Never met any of the people involved but when Robert and Tia got the keys to their place I celebrated.
GOOD. As I said on another post. This is lovely and nice and we all NEED THIS.
Who gives a fuck what Big Sean has to say? And how come the headline doesn’t even mention the victim of domestic violence?
Well....just the “trying to hit people” gets you off the firearm owners club in the US. And just trying to hit people is assault.
Is there anyone in that cast that ISN’T fucked up at this point?
Attractive or not...don’t go around assaulting people. Also if you’re a gun person...simple assault will get them taken.
In front of their child no less.
Seriously, between her “bad” day and his “minor” injuries this is just an odd writeup. Unless there’s something else going on here that’s not being mentioned, this is way too glib.
I like how Jez was calling Big Sean bitter last year when he was putting this into songs. Now it’s “lol stop rapping”. But hey, it’s Jez. I wouldn’t expect anyone working here to take abuse serious unless they can score some points somewhere. Big Sean should have “manned up” or some shit amirite
Isn’t is Dorsey who had the bad day? You know, being assaulted and all? Am I missing crucial info here or is this all a weird tone for a article on domestic violence?
She has a kid. Nothing distresses me more than people with anger problems with kids. Especially toddlers because 1. Toddlers can be frustrating 2. Toddlers understand and feel so much 3. Toddlers can’t always express and tell everything they experience
Domestic violence is never okay, and she should be held accountable for this.
Is it the political climate thats making Jasmine & Aladdin look SUUUUPER white in that pic?