is it lost on anyone that alec can play this character so well because......?
is it lost on anyone that alec can play this character so well because......?
No, he isn’t. Source: My brother had been abusive and awful since he was 5. Kids can be shitty people, no question. Chances are, he’s as bad as the rest of his family.
Let’s admit it, he’s a POS too.
I’m sure he’s a piece of shit kid, as well, just one we’re not allowed to call autistic.
Ugh Tiffany, melania and ivanka aren’t helpless innocent women held captive. They have agency. Tiffany trades on her name.
Because people don’t go to the Carnival to see the side-shows and geeks anymore. This way, everyone wins with no need to set up tents.
I think “Damn Daniel” is funny because it really is just some kids goofing around. I found it adorable. Same with the teens and “Please Mr. Postman.” Also “Running Man Challenge.” I am a sucker. 28 years old.
Even if I were lactose intolerant, they would need to pry my cream cheese from my cold dead hands.
make kids what?
It’s just delighting in small moments of absurdity. You don’t get it because you’re overthinking it!
Idk. All i know is if this was a Black girl acting like this no one would care.
I had to control my laughter, when I saw someone with a “Cash me outside” protest sign.
Am I missing something?
I also feel like this is all for show. She did NOT just pick that accent up “on the streets” (I also doubt she’s spent much time “on the streets”). It’s too forced and borderline unintelligible. She sounds like a fucking British townie.
Oprah is a mistake.
Dr. Oz gives him a run for his money, though. Not to mention Eckart Tolle or the lady who wrote The Secret, who had less staying power but were somehow even dumber. There are a lot of things to admire about Oprah, but her love of facile pseudo science is not one of them
A real doctor.
I love that she called out the “graffiti” bullshit, too. Like, if your neighborhood’s biggest problem is bored teenagers with spray-paint then you have it pretty good...