
Really? He seems absolutely fine in this exchange. You can tell pretty early on that he got the crazy vibe from her crazy texts, so he backed off and was just hoking. He was never disrespectful and didn’t ghost her. He. . . seems fine?

Seriously, you’re the one who brought the whole thing up in the first place, lady!

“But observing that fact, even understanding it, doesn’t necessarily engender empathy. In fact, quite the contrary.”

Ummm no. Not really.

I loved that show. She was absolutely hilarious. Ive been in love with her ever since

Like sammage? my mind keeps going Sammich.

Now playing

Victoria Beckham has always been much sharper and more self-aware than people give her credit. The reality TV show she filmed when she and Becks moved to LA in 2007 is a comedic treasure.

The mother made the decision to procreate with this man. She may not make the best choices, either.

I would have gone with “Apple”. I mean, he steals everyone else’s jokes, so why not steal kids’ names too?

Whatever this is:

I would have gone with “Getmeanotherdaddystat”

Why they hell are either one of them still a thing?

This guy:

“Morris is by no means the easiest person to understand or sympathize with, but she was clearly someone who lived life on her own terms. That’s what makes her so fascinating.”

as opposed to what? In this case it is punishment. It isn’t like you need to rehabilitate her from leaking classified documents again.

that war was built on lies and bullshit

No, justice would be her serving her time for the crime she fully admitted to committing.

Manning knew what she was doing. She dumped millions of unread intelligence documents, without regard to the safety of people who put their lives at risk to help the United States. It was not an act of a whistle-blower, it was the act of a disgruntled PFC in the Army who was mad her life and career were going nowhere.

Does anybody know the current condition of the child? Who is caring for it? I feel like details about the child are left out so people forget there is another life involved here.

They had to wait for someone to leak it.