When the book comes out, im all over that.
When the book comes out, im all over that.
You did say a kid doing demonic things to another kid
I figured it was a snuff film, shudder. Hopefully it’s been reported and long gone.
This made me tear up, horrifically scary
I have so many questions, did you check your YouTube history was the video still there? Did you report it? And shudder I’m still squicked out.
Please note the host is Jian Gomeshi accused of many rapes.
So many feels!! You know Cordell appreciated this by his tears.
She could have. But no Pat is in charge of the estate not Cissy.
I’m not surprised this was Pat Houstons idea. At.all.
I’m literally going stir crazy. Better half is at the cottage for a week, I stayed home to feed the cat. It’s 900 degrees outside, my allergies are a hot mess and my anxiety is in Flux cause pms ya’ll.
Condolences to you
I laughed entirely too loud at this for 1am. That is awesome
I found my mother and I made sure her casket was closed. What I didn’t know was they for some reason didn’t embalming her, maybe because closed casket/cremation. Before the views and the funeral, my oldest sister had to check to be sure it was mom in the casket, funeral home orders. I shudder to think, my poor sis.
Every funeral but my mother’s were open casket. Hell one friend has been murdered, found two days later, was basically green (and in an olive suit) and custom of his church was you HAD to walk by the open casket after the funeral. You couldn’t escape because his family sat right in front.
She really was the best mom, thanks everybody
It was for looks, she would take them out undercover like you’d spit food into a napkin. They were for teeth that you’d notice were missing. She just hated eating with them. Plus added bonus she knew they’d make me squick.
I adore your parents
Hell it’s the only one she planned, usually she would just crawl into my room in the dark and appear.
I had went out to lunch at the mall with my mom, I had to have been in my early 20’s. We stopped in the food court to ear and as usual mom took out her top plate of dentures. She used to say she couldn’t eat with them in, so she would oh so smoothly use a tissue and pop out the teeth.