This makes me miss the tide pod challenge. Those people at least hopefully got sick, and insides as fresh as a summer breeze but trade offs are tough sometimes.... This is just going to make a random person sick.
Bikes and cars are not meant to occupy the same space, this has been known for almost 100 years....
Have you had M-43 by Old Nation yet? If not you should track some down, it’s a beer that Larry Bell went on the record complimenting and lamenting he didn’t make it first. They recently released Official as a response but it is not an equivalent, just a substitute.
I live in Kalamazoo and we are all on the Official bandwagon. It’s Bell’s response to M-43, its good but not an equivalent. If you can get a hold of M-43 by Old Nation Brewery prepare to never want to drink a different beer again. Honestly, I would rather go 40 miles north for Founders as I prefer their bar and beers…
You let a dog dressed like that into your car!? Good to know the jeep passes the dog test and it seems nice, just poor fashion sense....
Of course he held his kickoff in the building betsy devoss’s husband grifted from the tax payers of Orlando. Both of the families are the absolute worst but it was good to hear those human versions of a grease trap got cock blocked by bike cops.
Are you talking about Elaine Chow or the unnamed male prostitute the bible bumping southern republicans are known for keeping on the side?
Wikipedia says:
But it’s called Beyond Meat.... why wouldn’t it be beyond meat in the store? /s
Is it just me or does Iron Man look like Mac from Always Sunny in that top photo?
99% of all corn meant to be consumed is grown to feed animals and not humans. Humans were the ones polled so that is probably why states like Iowa that are nothing but corn fields don’t actually eat much of the stuff.
I wish people would understand “I don’t really like beer” is a loose translation, for the majority of people that I have met, for I’m not a volume drinker. Or they flat out don’t like the taste and no fruit beer or anything else is gonna make them want to drink it over wine or spirits. That is it... They have beers…
I’m not sure if it’s changed but I always learned it as Deaborn is the city that has the highest concentration of Muslims in the world outside of any predominately Muslim country. This was also back in the late 90's.
Correct, same upfront price.... way different cost of ownership. But, should you choose, I bet you find a way to have way more fun in that than in a brand new Civic.
Here in SW MI we use these guys (below), they strip the good parts off bikes and then teach people to maintain their bikes by having them build a Frankenstein’s monster of a bike, and they get the bike for free. It’s a great program here where public transportation is not readily available or timley.