
They absolutely still use the term Freedom Fries at the local MickieDs.

JFC, he beat a 3 year old unconscious in 2016 and got suspended for beating his wife/girlfriend in May. The fact that this guy was still on the job is a fucking disgrace.

All we are is an alien experiment with crossing pigs and monkeys.

The local 5-o is going back to nap time ASAP. They couldn’t give two shits.

Man, cops are the fucking worst humans. We need to up the standard for hiring to include a basic psych evaluation.

Will it be 99% content that is not the recipe like all the other food sites?

This makes me happy. Good work NLRB.

Working for a billion dollar corporation for free is the height of dipshitery. Some people get a good wank on the mod life I guess. 

Hugh vote of confidence in the product he is selling. 

AMPTP is just the most awful people trying to act like a real normal human. It is clear they need writers as everything they do is transparent and repugnant.

Walking in parking lots back in LA I would see so many absolutely bald tires. Not just a few, but tons. 

If the 99% don’t toss the 1% than it is 100% that is rotten. 

What a little goober Elon is. Just an amazing ability to show how small and unintelligent he has always been.

ACAB is as true as the sun rising.

100% ass clowns. They went up a closed pass and caused a ton of people to have to work to save their ass clown asses. Hope they got to pay for all that overtime and equipment. 

How soon till we can turn these people in to snacks.

CLEAR will be pedaling your data to all the happy bidders as well. Get Global Entry that includes TSA PreCheck, it works everywhere all the time. 

It is like Amazon is actively trying to make themselves as awful as possible. What a shit stain of a company.

Get all the way fucked, short stack.

Cops fucking suck. Fuck them. Fuck you.