
All I got out of this was, “I’m a psycho, so I haven’t worn sweatpants in a long time.”

Yeah, that line had me shocked. I had to reread it because I was sure that it couldn’t actually say what it said.

Looks at Tom Perez’s record of being a highly-intelligent, public policy-minded civil servant with a record of doing nothing but focusing on civil rights, voting rights, disability rights, unions, labor rights, etc. and then looks at people denouncing him as “the worst” and talking about taking their toys and going

By...picking a DNC chair that’s near-identical to another DNC candidate? JFC this division is getting rediculous. “My guy says he’ll raise min wage by $10, and the other guy will only raise it by $9.50! CORRUPT RIGGED BERN IT TO THE GROUND!” Jeezy creezy.

Everyone playing Overwatch like a shooter, while this guy is playing Overwatch like it’s Smash Bros. Love it.

Top 10 what all-time? Players? No, he isn’t. He really, really, really, really isn’t. He’s not even in the top three at his own position. Maybe fifth-best center, but even then, it’s largely a by-product of him just being much bigger than everyone else. He’s not even close to a top 10 player in terms of talent.

Also, Shaq is a fucking douche.

No. KD sees a teammate who is working hard to contribute, even if it’s not with superstar numbers and he’s tired of watching Shaq’s retired fat ass getting off on constantly needling him like a fucking schoolyard bully.

You organize it once, and it takes no more time to keep it organized. I find myself able to work more efficiently when I know exactly what folder files are in, where programs are located, etc. When a desktop is covered in icons, I start losing track of everything. Again, different strokes for different folks, but

I’m the opposite. If I see a clean, tidy desktop, I assume you’re well organized and avoid clutter. The better organized you are, the more productive you are. Of course, that’s how I view it.

Didn’t think it was a poor idea at all. Betances has better stats across the board (nearly double the WAR) except for Saves when compared to Jeurys Familia who has essentially the same service time.

Yeah, fuck that agent for trying!

Now THIS helps me see it, Jesus damn. But well, this just serves to prove that skill beats cheating.

Also, thanks man.

Um no, not maybe still a guy. Legally, psychologically and socially she is female.
It’s bullshit attitudes like that that led to her having a fucking emotional breakdown back stage and resigning.

Laura is a clone of Logan that turned out to be female. She can’t be Asian or a Latina.

Um whitewashing? X-23 is LITERALLY a clone of Wolverine. An old white guy from the woods of 19th century Canada.

I love how refusing to visit a draft dodger in the White House is somehow disrespectful to the troops. Not to mention our commander-in-chief once ridiculed a gold star family, a war hero and said he “knows more than the generals.” Yeah, he respects the hell out of the troops.

They watch the killcams. This is from MoonMoon’s perspective later in the match:

You seem to miss the point...

So I take it Titanfall won't qualify for this list, then? That's coming to PC and 360 as well.