
He’s part of a rich, somewhat untouchable American dynasty family now whether we like it or not.

I am guessing this is the reason he gave her, not the real reason...which was...those eyebrows.

I’m thinking of people who take care of older/disabled family members. That’s a priority too, often without the luxury of planning and choice.

I’m just going to vent here. If you’re offended, idgaf.

Technically yes but Pence is next in line so I doubt he will change much

Don’t forget, the head of the Dept of Energy wanted to eliminate it, once he could remember what it was.

Let’s see, the head of the EPA doesn’t believe in protecting the environment, the head of the Department of Education doesn’t believe in public schools, the head of DoJ’s Civil Rights division doesn’t believe in civil rights.... yep, that’s the Cheetolini administration.

Wow to the “Lover’s Stitches”. Fuck that. Being super tight may feel fun for him, but it makes it much more painful for you. Crazy me, I usually find sex more pleasurable when I’m aroused and loose enough to accommodate him, rather than trying to shove a watermelon through a pinhole (as Snooki once eloquently

But by normal you mean anglo. Which is inherently problematic.

Okay but... Rumi is an actual bona fide name, and Blue Ivy is not the first person named ‘Blue’ either.

But you would also have certain ethnic names not getting approved. If the U.S. had a list of approved names, I’m sure my obviously Black American name would not be on it.

I think they start to decay as soon as you take them outside the petri-dish.... The decline is accelerated by sunlight, of course.

If she and Megyn Kelly are any example, it kind of seems like these Fox anchors don’t do so well outside of their bubble.

Well, Trump wears an American flag pin.

The only one I find interesting is the HH International, just cuz it’s interesting to see how people live in different countries.

Yeah, of course not. And some people do it intentionally so they don’t miss their light, which is terrible (in San Francisco, the buses do it on purpose and completely block the intersections, which is fun). But sometimes the traffic is moving steadily through an intersection and you have no idea that it will suddenly

My mama taught me: Don’t enter the intersection unless you can see how you can get out of it.

If you make the demand while essentially holding a gun to my head you’re not brilliant or crazy, you’re just a mugger in a business suit.