
I hear you, and I think this asshole definitely deserves to be treated more harshly than this, but much like the too-problematic death penalty, if we can deny him proper food, then we can anyone their rights, and fuck that.

I’m glad to know he must have made and brought his own food in every day, instead of eating like royalty for free from Craft Services, since he wouldn’t know exactly what’s in a meal prepared for him by someone else.

Yes, if your religion mandates that you must not get a vaccine (especially one that MIGHT only make you safer around others, which is better than no safer at all), then just like an Amish person who probably could not work in an office with electronic devices, you are making your choice, which you are absolutely free

White people are not necessarily wypipo, but the genius is that both are completely interchangeable, and trying to distance yourself from either is just going to make you a worse person.

Wow, big news, and if I wasn’t so numb from the last 1-6 years, I’m sure I’d be on the floor right now.

Which is why Black people are STILL just talking the same sense as always, and white people continue to get stupider, angrier, more hateful, more ignorant, and just generally shittier.

Funny how they never seem to try warning the actually problematic person not to do harmful things.

Why wouldn’t you want a Black pastor visible by the jury? Are they going to do something that would be considered unfair if there are no Black pastors around that for some reason, they’d be afraid to do in Rev. Sharpton’s presence?

Who does that?

Good points, but keep in mind that while what happened isn’t as bad as child r*pe, the impact could have (HEAVILY arguably, considering the potential for multiple murders) been far worse.

These poor, deluded turds only “thrive” when surrounded by people exactly the same as them.

Then that’s between you, the bigot-callers, and Dave Chappelle. You’re not gonna find answers in any comment section anywhere (including this one), and you’ll never chase down the anonymous people online saying whatever they/we are saying.

If someone sees a coworker do some racist shit, but doesn’t say anything to anyone because they are SURE it will cost them a promotion that’s supposed to happen very soon, is that person a racist?

That’s awesome, good for you!

No, I imagine that he’s now realizing he fucked up enough that his career will soon be heavily dependent on ignorant, hateful assholes, and he’s also getting a taste of the (VERY temporary) benefits hate can bring to someone’s (potentially) dwindling career, so he’s looking to create a media frenzy to ensure an

Yeah, and his chair is likely worth even less!

I won’t put one bit of blame on his ex, because not only was it likely all on the server and their company to make that particular decision, but I GUARANTEE YOU that Mr. Near-Billionaire would specifically seek out lawyers to do some shit WAY dirtier than that, if and when he felt like it.

I’m sorry you’ve struggled (and congratulations for surviving despite that!) and I don’t mean to sobersplain to you, but psychedelic treatment has had amazingly good success numbers that make AA/NA look like a fucking joke.

So suspensions because some students were alleged to be planning to eventually do something (and of course, only Black students were suspended, because...don’t ask questions!!!), but let me guess, no one in power saw any sign of the racism which encouraged the alleged plan, and no action was taken at all, since they

Also, why does this feel like the epitome of entitled white male behavior?