
It should tell you everything you need to know that they want to let donations to campaigns and candidates remain unlimited, but they want to restrict donations to actual elections.

It’s quite a bit much just how precisely people focus on this family that at this point is only deemed special because...they say so and most folks agree???

And if I were on Jeopardy! after winning one show, it certainly wouldn’t be problematic to hold up a finger, but if that finger is the middle one of either of my hands, then it IS a problem.

So a white cop was fully correct to kill a Black man in his own home because she “thought it was her home”, but this young girl, who called the police because people were trying to enter her home and hurt her, waited so long for police that she needed to physically defend herself against physical harm (and possibly

I get what you’re saying, but I also get the author’s point, because while this is REAL bad, there are sadly worse people for whom attention should be kept aside. As fucked up as slashed tires are, what does it say about the US that that hateful action barely warrants a thought from a Black man who knows there is so

It seems a bit similar to mansplaining. A man has privilege the likes of which most others can’t even imagine, and white people are no different.

Considering I never actually saw Billy with fourteen apples, nor have I ever taken six of them, I’m gonna have to go back to school and demand a WHOLE lot of retractions...

I don’t usually waste any time on trolls, but I just have to ask the dickhead who “lol”-ed at my comment....

I hear you, but I could’ve read a book a day since the first person actually caught/developed the virus and STILL have a multi-shelf ‘To Read’ list at home. I’m not anywhere near rich, but books are the one thing my wife and I splurge on.

I know I am so lucky to have kept my full time job through this pandemic.

I appreciate your suggestion (and I LOVE your name - another potential mini tragedy of the pandemic is the hundreds of books at home I’ve barely been able to spend any time with!), but I could walk to work in about 30 minutes, so the “commute” is very rarely more than 10 minutes in normal traffic.

Good for you for being so aware!

Essentially, being a good person boils down to not hurting anyone against their will, so anyone who has a problem with polyamory can please try real hard to keep your problematic statements internal.

As horrible as this pandemic has been (and as ignorant of most of that we’ve all had to be to survive the past year), the actual changes have been pretty good for me.

Knowing how fucked up white people are, there will surely be countless people doing loads of work to try to get a fake vaccine card, when the simplest, least harmful thing is just to wear a fucking mask.

This middle is a fascinating concept. Because it seems like Black people have tried standing in the middle, on the edge, all the way over on the other side, and every damn where else, and cops keep killing!

Man, OnlyTrash ‘(Republican OnlyFans’ implies that they have actual fans, but...if you only watch something to get all angry and hateful, are you really a fan of anything???) is getting desperate for material to get millions of open mouths drooling in racism!

Well, since, as far as I can determine, your actions in the name of correcting medical malpractice consist of *checks notes* semi-arguing with some rando in a comment section who doesn’t know shit about the actual effects of hand sanitizer on armpits, I can only assume that the world is in good hands with you chasing

That’s what I came here to say.

Well maybe she included those options for people who needed to nitpick, since all of the earlier options that sailed by you without judgment weren’t comment-worthy to you.