Works for Dane Cook’s teen girlfriend. (shudder.)
Works for Dane Cook’s teen girlfriend. (shudder.)
Well, immediately they broke up she surrounded herself with one of the best crisis teams out there. Starting with Laura Wasser whose real genius is her ability to work the media to force a fast settlement. She is famously tight with Harvey Levin, which is how TMZ used to have the big exclusives told from Angelinas…
“I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies,” Moretz wrote.”
OK, there’s a lot going on (and going wrong) in what you wrote, so I’m only going to be able to address one small part of it because I just don’t have the time...
In response to the flood of burners and, let’s face it, men moaning about how this advice is either: 1. sexist or 2. pointless because everyone recognizes these volunteer tasks and gives credit for it, allow me to present a small sample of the ways that I, a professional woman, have been asked to volunteer to do…
Alright everybody, that’s a wrap. No one is topping this ^
Probably just the ghost of an unvaccinated child.
I guarantee if Hollywood gets ahold of this movie, Elon will be the main character and he will be played by Jared Leto.
I’m more interested in WHY it is common in Thailand to not be able to swim.
Definitely. Plus, “Learn how to swim,” is not meaningful advice in a scenario that killed a trained diver. Them not knowing how to swim is non-factor in this situation. They aren’t stuck on a raft in the pool.
Exactly. The “if you see something, say something” mantra has become fodder for people to call cops on anything.
Also Johansson is big, huge star. I seriously doubt she is struggling for roles, so I don’t think it’s a huge thing to ask her to maybe say “pass” on this particular role.
You passed up the chance to write “bad dad is sad”. Je suis disappoint.
Some really cool work here. But was it really necessary to give the what I’m pretty sure was a 13-or-so-year-old girl from Jurassic Park huge boobs?
Seriously. All these people saying they never wear underwear, I’m you wash you jeans/leggings/shorts after like every wear then? There’s no way you’re not getting discharge all over the crotch, depending on where you are in your cycle. (Hello, ovulation-time discharge!)
What does discharge have to do w wiping? It happens on its own, like period bleeding. Not just at the convenience of being in the bathroom. Maybe some women are more dischargey than others, but that whole section seemed vagina-shaming.
To be fair to Hirsch, he did this back in 2015, when we didn’t know it was wrong to choke a woman out at a party and never apologize for it. Is it fair to judge historical figures by present-day standards?
They should sue the state of Florida instead, for allowing guns to be so easily accessible.