
This is hilarious. First off, the dresses aren’t the same, as you said. But secondly, the Emilia Wickstead dress is hella basic. She didn’t invent the long sleeve boatneck dress.

I am so sick and tired of all the people defending Louis CK. There was an article yesterday about Sarah Silverman and her thoughts on Louis CK and Al Franken, and there were so many comments about how what Louis CK did “wasn’t that bad.” How he’s not the same as “Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby.” How he “asked for

I wonder if this is a step between going for a more platinum blonde. When going from virgin black hair to a platinum, it can take multiple sessions, especially Asian hair. Trying to go too fast, and you end up with straw hair or hair falling out. Maybe her colorist will remove more of the yellow tones in her next

Thank you! I wish Jezebel would address this. I understand that the song is named after Chun-Li, the Street Fighter character, and that her costuming was supposed to reflect that. I also know that the power dynamics are different than say when Gwen Stefani did this. But still, the performance left a bad taste in my

I think sex is only allowed for procreation. Since Serena has been shown to be infertile (hence them being assigned a Handmaid), there’s no reason for her and the Commander to have sex.

I don’t think there’s a guarantee that the child-brides are fertile. I think all husbands are allowed to procreate with their wives, however the higher class are allowed the privilege of a Handmaid’s services if their wives are shown to be infertile (Men are never infertile in Gilead, it’s always the wives fault).

Has he though? Outside of marrying Emily Blunt and A Quiet Place (both of which are amazing) I can’t think of anything memorable he’s done. 

Another article said that Meghan and her mom discussed having her walk Meghan down the aisle, but they were concerned that it would be too much pressure for her mom, what with the billions of people watching.

Eh. Meghan should just keep doing what she’s doing and ignore them. Samantha Grant and Thomas Markle Jr. both come off as trash. If Piers Morgan calls you out, it’s time to reevaluate your life.

Why would she, logically? I know you’re describing a visceral sense of disgust you felt for her, but I would be surprised if she wept. For one, thing, it’d seem like an admission of guilt, when her whole story is that she experienced a fugue.

Agreed! She’s not devastated, just pissed that she went thru the trouble of trying to include him and now he’s being a petulant man-baby and fucking with their agreed upon plans.

I think I see Comey

Don’t forget Callie’s pregnancy with McSteamy! Wrap it up, folks!

Right? Way too many unplanned pregnancies considering they probably had incredibly easy access to birth control.

Omigod, when he flew to Germany and showed up at Teddy’s house this season after Amelia’s comment about Teddy being his tumor, I was like “Giiiiiirl run!” Such a fucking man child. I’m glad she kicked his ass out.

I think it was Cristina who had the ectopic pregnancy.


Wait, they were feuding over John Mayer?

So a 18 year old is observed by a group of Swedes fingering a unmoving barely conscious girl outside a fraternity house. They detain him and he is arrested. The man and the woman were estimated to be extremely intoxicated at the time of the incident. He had a blood alcohol level at the time of the incident estimated

I think the difference is that the Harry wax figure is smizing, whereas the wax Meghan isn’t. Uncanny valley.