Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you. Jon Stewart is not in charge of Louis CK, nor is he omniscient. Unless he was in the fucking room when CK was jerking it, he doesn’t know shit but the rumor that was going around.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you. Jon Stewart is not in charge of Louis CK, nor is he omniscient. Unless he was in the fucking room when CK was jerking it, he doesn’t know shit but the rumor that was going around.
Yep, two things! It actually turns out the twist ending was everybody is right and everybody is wrong. Maybe some day nuance will drive page clicks instead of rigid black and white morality....
I’d say it’s uncomfortable because the guy just keeps hammering on it after Stewart gives his answer.
I think it is wrong to assume he knew anything more than he’d heard a rumor as there is no proof otherwise. There are hundreds of rumors about celebrities and the vast majority of them are BS.
Yeah, and Jon Stewart wasn’t in the room when Louis CK beat his dick in front of those women. Yet here we are.
I’m depressed about Louis CK and he deserves every bit of the flack coming his way. But Ackerman also seems like an asshole.
Yes, and I would also like to see A.V. Club issue a formal apology for all its positive Louie reviews over the years. You guys knew about the rumours, you did nothing about it.
You’re on a Gawker-related site complaining about people who put on airs of moral authority. You’re complaining about hypocrisy in a hypocritical manner. You may not care, but the point still stands.
He was mean to Tucker Carlson when he was on Crossfire 13 years ago.
“how certain men, like George Takei, Richard Dreyfuss and Affleck/Damon, have been caught out having set themselves as moral authorities.”
You cannot expect people to believe rumors over their friends. As soon as their is evidence or an accusation that is one thing, but just a rumor? I mean come on there are hundreds of false rumors a year that come out about celebs.
“one of the good ones” Holy fucking hell. We’re all just fucking humans. We all have flaws. We all make mistakes. We’re all hypocrites at some point in our lives. Are we really at the point where we’re attacking anyone who didn’t act upon a fucking rumor in exactly the manner we personally want them to? How high are…
Yeah...(nice user name btw.) I do think there’s a lot more gray area in terms of the people surrounding these scandals and what they should be expected to do. It’s not on them to out victims of sexual assault. It could ruin multiple people’s lives, including the victims.
Let him get his head right in Guantanamo, that’s where we put people who fail to act on industry scuttlebutt years in advance.
“Stewart discredits the source of the accusations (Gawker, “the internet”) and then claims that he’d never heard them at all.”
I’m sorry, is there proof that Stewart did something wrong? Why are you going after him and not, say, Pamela Adlon? She didn’t know about his behavior. Why is this news, precisely? Because of Reddit?
Could you fuckers get off your high horse? Stop patting yourselves on the back with this “Oh yeah, we believed the rumors before anyone else” bullshit. Are we really going after anyone who might have possibly heard a fucking rumor and didn’t act upon said rumor in whatever way you deem appropriate?
yeah I mean if he drugged someone then that is totally fucked. If all he did was cop a feel 40 years ago and he has proven to live a good life since then...then Idk if this is really a story.
That was Comey and not Mueller, no?
I’d be more disturbed by this if Takai wasn’t in his 80s and if this didn’t happen nearly 40 years ago. Arguably, all gay sex was criminal and deviant in the 1980s. Society repressed and shamed gays, forcing them underground, which means their outlets for sexual activity weren’t always healthy. And it was, even more…