The Louisville Slugger, more like The Detroit Smudger
The Louisville Slugger, more like The Detroit Smudger
You sure? Isn’t there a giveaway for a 2018 Dodge Challenger “HellScat” and a 1970 Challenger
Ran when parked, missing parts, little rust, call for more info, no low ballers
Ran when parked, missing parts, little rust, call for more info, no low ballers
Actually, having a medical emergency (stroke, fainting, heartattack, dying, etc.) is sort of worse
At least their friendship wasn’t torn
That might fracture his career
That might fracture his racing career
McLaren seems to be “tripling” the expectations of those buyers.
At least I didn’t say Michigan.
This is the exact one. Same color, same body. I’m sure his was a V8 as well
Maybe, but maybe I’m wrong cause the pics weren’t good cause it was a cloudy day. Post a pic of the first gen 540i cause the one in the pics screamed 80s BMW.
Speaking of BMW, my brother is buying a 1980s 540i (I think). Dark green, lives in Massachusetts it’s whole life, no rust, pristine leather, and WORKING BLINKERS!
Cause how you gonna play Beamng. Drive
BREAKING NEWS! My dad is getting a motorcycle license and has already bought a Kawasaki Ninja
Bentley? More like Bent on off-road.
When Jeepsus attacks Ned Flanders:
The allanté isnt a lemon, it’s a POS.
He cut the corners like he cuts his home renovation budget to by alcohol...