
Notice if you will something my dad, a long time hunter and sportman, had pointed out with Donnie Jr and it echoes here.

I do agree with her on one point. I, too, would prefer that a 10-year-old rape victim not have to suffer being prodded unnecessarily with instruments, disgusting or otherwise. Perhaps someday medical science will invent a pill that will allow us to end dangerous pregnancies without the use of death instruments, and

These are the same people who scream about protecting kids from groomers, but a 10-year-old is considered a woman to them.

would’ve given us the opportunity to not throw the rest of us under the bus.”

The most ironic part about this to me is the fact that the Republicans thought they were sticking it to those troublemakers, who did get reinstated to their seats, but according to an AP article on the original expulsion (https://apnews.com/article/tennessee-lawmakers-expulsion-d3f40559c56a051eec49e416a7b5dade).

Saying out loud right there: party before country.

That sentence makes a lot more sense if you capitalize the r in “right"

Liz: “I thought you didn’t send pretty girls to jail?”

Know what else hurts innocent people? Giving them false medical tests. 

Huzzah and well done! for avoiding the “click here to start the slide-show” hegemony


Yeah, stunts like this get praised as an example of good management, when actual good management would have been simply listening to the people doing the work.

So with this, the cops can pull over any car with a female minor in it, book the driver on suspicion and force a gyno exam on the girl? I’m sure that won’t be abused...

It’ll be fun to see how they handle nativity plays at all boy/all girl religious schools! Will they have to rewrite the bible? Three wise-women? Joseph and Mary were a queer couple?


Republican lawmakers give me nightmares, but I’m not torching their offices.

All it takes to get your company debt upgraded at Moody’s is to grease someone’s pockets and maybe a horse from Musk. Tesla is still the biggest shitco in financial history.

If left untreated, they can grow up to be President.

Exactly. What’s to prevent the police from throwing random offenses at the wall and seeing what sticks? There should be consequences for actions.

Time to retrain that cop and I hope the judge reamed him for it. It’s important to remember that these kinds of cases tie up the courtrooms and cost the courts unrecoverable money.