
Cops exist to protect property, not lives or freedom or any other bullshit they claim, not even elementary school kids trapped in their school with a mass shooter. They’re the enforcement arm of our dictatorship of the wealthy, nothing more, nothing less. They’ll kill you for stealing a pack of Pokémon cards or

Imagine a drug company saying “correcting for race, this medication is totally safe!” after they submit their drug trial results to the FDA.

It is the exact moment another shooting occurs, at which point the timer resets.

What are they afraid of? If someone wants to hurt Trump there’s a room full of good guys with guns. Should work itself out.

The thing is, republican and NRA propaganda has been so successful that whenever the subject of guns comes up, gun-owners will automatically reference the notion that democrats are coming for their guns. It’s a purely Pavlovian-conditioned response at this point - no thinking necessary.

In a way this is the perfect metaphor for contemporary feminism.

They’re also very big on defacing the U.S. flag, being über-patriots and all.

People who hate free handouts(money) are using free handouts for this.... 

Inflation = 8.3% Average Raise = 3.4%

per capita normalizes for different populations.

Why should we have them? All of the things listed are CHOICES the driver has made.
It is ABSOLUTELY an attack on our freedoms. implementing thicker steel, not an attack on freedom. Making better crash structures, not an attack. Forcing people that make good choices or have made peace with the risks and consequences of

I believe that the cost and complexity involved with retrofitting this into cars is vastly undersold by the author. And I do agree that it would be a bit annoying to have to deal with on a daily basis, especially for people who don’t drink at all. But I think I would deal with the annoyance for the peace of mind that

Hi Ezinne,

If they're grifting on behalf of kids, isn't that a good thing? Like Robinhood for babies or something?

“rather than present ANY PLAN or urgency to address the nationwide baby formula crisis”

“support from HR in finding a new job”

I know judges think of themselves as keeping society in order and I’m sure this is turned up to 11 for anyone who lives in D.C.

The supreme court cannot be “bullied”. Under his breath, he whispers: It CAN, however, be “bought”, “stolen”, “influenced”, or a great many other things.

Nor did they name that particular model ‘Boat’
