Even if the bikers were in the middle of the lane, it isn’t legal to run them over. You have to wait for a legal area with clear and safe sight lines to pass.
Even if the bikers were in the middle of the lane, it isn’t legal to run them over. You have to wait for a legal area with clear and safe sight lines to pass.
If they police had broken off pursuit immediately, it’s highly likely this suspect would have still caused deaths of others.
Cops will always insist they need AR15's to counter pocketknives and .38 revolvers, and that these crashes prove they should have nothing less than the new monster Hummers.
It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where things go from here — just a passing look at what happened a decade ago.
Not gonna lie I have zero idea what the width of my truck is. Like I can pretty well gauge if it’s gonna fit somewhere, but if I saw a sign with a number I’d be hard-pressed to know.
So the Town of Chester couldn’t even put that apology on official letterhead. SMH
1. Fuck her.
“When I first joined “The View” in 2017, I felt a connection to Whoopi. She had made a promise to my father that she would look after me...
Sales people are not superfluous, but many do not know their role nor are trained for their role, which is to help people first, “upsell” second.”
I’d like to see some data on this.
“Here’s both of our new cars.”
You’re trying to make a distinction that isn’t there. They convicted her for manslaughter based on drug use BECAUSE she miscarried. According to NAPW’s press release, they didn’t even conclusively prove that the drug use caused the miscarriage. If you don’t consider that to be at all worrisome, I don’t know what else…
Are they sure the drugs caused the abnormalities? I’m willing to say they might, but are they sure that in this particular case the abnormalities this fetus had were caused by those drugs? If they’re sending her to jail for using drugs (why not target the large drug sellers instead?) they should follow those laws. If…
Its barbaric. Yes, she did wrong, but I'm guessing they are more interested in punishing the expectant mother than actually protecting a foetus.
Medical Emergency?
That was my thought. If I was paying for one of these, I wouldn’t want the one assembled by somebody from Accounting or Human Resources.
It’s very important that when we protest the actions of the wealthy elite ruling class that we do it in a way in which they always feel safe, secure, and comfy. Can’t have them shaken up or slightly inconvenienced in any way, that would be gauche.
Not everyone can afford to move, or even wants to move, out of their home state. They shouldn’t have to choose between rights and living where they would like to live. It’s kind of the point of Roe.
This is a car site, right? There’s no mention of the car he’s claiming is damaged. What is it? Is it a stock vehicle that is high-centering? Is it a slammed 350z that bottoms out at every curb and railroad track? Or is it a Minivan that’s bottoming out as he’s flying over it? It would actually give us some background…