
Yes, in all respects.

any non-sponsored content promoting pharmaceutical medical products is banned from the platform.”

Here’s the thing, though. Until the next election, when all those old Republicans are dead and can’t vote, facts don’t matter.

How about the pricing for that Armor All paint protection?

So you buy your leased car..... and than you sell for a profit.. and than you buy a new car at an equally inflated price (If you can find one!) and over MSRP and you have gained.... What exactly?

Two wipers at the same time, man.

Prevailing wisdom is that they’re “better” but it’s kind of like pointing out that Saddam Hussein wasn’t as bad as Joseph Stalin.  Better doesn’t mean good.  

I’m surprised the cops didn’t arrest the pilots and charge them with destroying their property.

For clarity, Buttonville is a municipal airport and is scheduled to close by 2023 or thereabouts but it’s actually one of the busiest airports, measured by air traffic, in Canada. At one point about 10 years ago it ranked the 7th busiest airport with only internationals in major cities handling more volume. It has a

Except that this was in Canada, which is why the pilots did not get shot in the aftermath.

It’s like when a crappy song gets stuck in your head.  You didn’t start liking the song, there is just a sense of familiarity due to repetition.

BUT the Toyota designers get paid by the crease line so they do this stuff to rake in the cash!!! <- joke, but expect the next Taco to look like a garbage can at a ruler factory.

It looks like the cheapie rental car I tend to end up with; i.e., it looks like disappointment.

Uh, I still don’t think it looks good, and I’m frankly a fan of the damned thing.

Not even a counterpoint. Just fact.

that’s generally the story. “It takes a death for safety to be considered.”

Counterpoint: it doesn’t

I don’t like to wear any shoe I cannot flee disaster in. Gotta be able to flee!

who the hell hoons a 12 year-old, four cylinder wagon?

The point is that someone other than the owner did this without permission from said owner. This was a dick move from the tech (and stupid that they didn’t know about the PDR).