
Parsons was caught by a gate agent who became suspicious when his I.D.s were all for Charlotte”

So having a layover in the same or a nearby area as one’s ID is now grounds for detention, investigation and denial of service? It’s like card counting... it’s not illegal, but the casino will do all of the above if they

“Our work is not done,” Reynolds told the crowd...

“We have to make sure it’s as difficult as possible for mothers and children in need to access social services. Those kids had a free ride for 9 months and we can’t have them staying dependent on others for their survival.”

Buddha runs a business?

That’s not how journalism works. Report what happened. That’s journalism. It’s not about “correct,” it’s about truth. Facts. Not interpretation or “complex analysis.”

Coming soon to a SCOTUS near you- honor killings! When your religion requires retribution, SCOTUS has your back.

That’s a feature, not a bug.

When following the Michael Jackson playbook isn’t working out for you. Fuck Erza.

Federal student loans are usury? Please, single digit interest isn’t usury. Pretty sure presidents don’t “sign those checks,” congress does. While I don’t like the ruling, I understand where they’re coming from. Why can’t congress do what it’s there to do and govern? Ah, right, there’s no way such a bill would pass

Who the hell is this guy, should I know who he is?

Nah, fuck his feelings.

Confirmed- not even Tucker’s mother loved him.

June 19th, 1865- a reminder that Texas cleaved fast to the old ways and held onto it’s slaves as long as it possibly could.

C’mon, they’ve got a long list of abusers to shuffle around. Can’t have women taking up valuable real estate.

You need to be a little more specific about *which* Methodists. Some are just as bigoted as the Southern Baptists.

They’ll point to the “pre-born”

They must not have realized it was a black bear.

In other words, a typical Republican?

Sounds like they need to be treated as if they were in any other job. No-call, no-show enough days in a row and the termination process begins. I’d be pretty upset if my state reps decided to just take an open ended vacation while collecting pay and benefits. Meanwhile, GOP talking heads are lamenting that, “no one

Can we also not forget that the rich white lady telling us all how to live and work is a FELON who engaged insider trading and conspired to cover it up?

No it won’t. We’re in this position because there aren’t any real consequences for this sort of crap anymore.