
What I’m hearing is that he’s claiming that no number of good guys with guns would be able to protect him, so he had to leave town. On a boat... Because nothing says personal safety like a boat. Does that sound right?

The credit card was “empty?” This is one money savvy millionaire.

Body shaming has no place, for sure. My gut says there is history here that’s getting glossed over, though. Why draw importance to the idea that the sister has “mellowed over the years?” What happened years ago? This feels more to me like her weight is low hanging fruit for some other as yet undisclosed issue from her


Can we lump this in somehow with ‘personal responsibility’ the GOP is big on? As in, if you die of Covid because of a refused vaccination, shouldn’t that disqualify surviving family from receiving any goverment benefits to make up for the lost income? (This assumes ideal GOP family situation where husband is the sole

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

Brought to you by the party of limited government and personal liberty. Don’t they (the Alabama state legislature,) have anything more pressing to deal with? Like a pandemic or recent winter storm?

A friend in PA was telling me that being a smoker was also a comorbidity that bumped one up a group. Take heart.

In order:
-Did you not need the key to unlock the car in the first place?
-Pretty sure leaving an unattended car is illegal in more than a few areas (I know, everyone with remote start is doing it)
-Now you can worry about a button failing, sensors and transmitters wearing out or the batteries of dying

They aren’t consciously voting against their own interests- they’re voting to own the libs... which just so happens to be against their own interests.

Sounds like our northern neighbors understand the concept of accountability and how it works. The GOP base has demonstrated time and time again that they will give their “leadership” a pass for things they would scream bloody murder over had another party been involved.

Why not more than one reason?

Why do you think they’d shoot up a trophy fish? Besides, rifle ammunition is pretty dear these days, if you can find it at all.

Because you’d like another thing that is likely to be very expensive to replace once it stops working?

I think that’s rather unlikely

Yes, the week will perish... but it’s still too close to 2020 for you to declare there will another to follow it with such certainty

The “real danger” is expecting everyone driving legally (ie, not benefiting from lane splitting) to make accommodations for those engaging in unsafe lane changes and other driving misbehavior. Like lane splitting.

Needs an update

One of those activities isn’t like the others, you know. Also, way to project. Glad you didn’t die.

Except to generate income from submitting media.