
I don’t really even think she’s that. Remember she started as a progressive of sorts and when she didn’t get any traction, she became a “conservative”. She’s a narcissist for hire. She desperately needs accolades and she gets them from the right for now. If she changed course, like Arianna Huffington and the left

Someone on Twitter called her David Duke’s maid and that’s how I’m referring to her from now on.

You are not. When I was younger it was 10% tip. I still tip 20% (most of the time) but I am now a positive campaigner for wage reform in the industry. Our waitstaff and vendors deserve a genuinely living wage, and we deserve to not have to tip to make up for crooked bosses. Until that day though...

no. 20% is an extremely generous tip. Call me a fucking jerk all you want. Tipping is stupid and sexist, and we should be pushing for a change that sees servers paid a fair wage and doesn’t put customers in that awkward situation of tipping. IT DOES NOT CREATE BETTER SERVICE. And you know what? The 2% they’re shorted

Those children were props for the couple’s white savior play.And when you read about how they obtained the children in the first place it’s absolutely enraging.

Her “defending masculinity” is apparently just defending a man’s right to be shitty to women.

Big fat con job” from the biggest, fattest, most traitorous con job of all time. The willing ignorance and hatred of anyone that would support Trump is as disgusting as he is.

Eh, trivial and stupid, no. Distracting, yes. I don’t mind it at the beginning/end of an episode. I like their personalities and sense of humor. But when they’re in the middle of telling the story, I just want to hear the story. They veer off the path a little too often and interrupt themselves too much during some of

Yeah, I can understand that. The amount of attention it brings to a case, though, especially cold cases, can be so valuable.

I don’t think Cardi’s music is any good. As a matter of fact, I consider it trash. But Cardi as a person? Her determination is hard as nails and all I can do is respect her. I appreciate quite a number of things she says in general - from her surprisingly pointed views on politics to her appreciation of being an Afro-L

The article was completely lacking in detail and context.

You're not wrong, but I'm not sorry this lawsuit is happening either. It won't go anywhere, I'm sure, but I don't care.

This illegitimate motherfucker just physically threatened the majority of Americans that disapprove of him.

I am so tired of hearing this. These are your core values, mutha***! If these weren’t part of your core values, people of color and people without means would have nothing to fear and no one would need to post these interactions. America’s core values as carried out by law enforcement are racist, classist, and sexist.

Just think how much worse their actions would have been if that camera wasn’t present.

“I don’t know what got into his mind,” Perez said.

resulted in the involved officer being relieved of duty and of his role as a field training officer

This happens because of the underlying philosophy that’s drilled into LEO during training: YOU must DOMINATE and CONTROL every situation you enter! Make all present SUBMIT to your domination, then you can address the actual matter at hand if you feel like it. Oh, and Black women need to be controlled, let's not forget

Repetition = Sincerity

“I find the actions depicted on the video deeply troubling and in no way reflective of our core values of integrity, respect, service and fairness,”