
Oh for FFS. Newsflash: People eat out for all kinds of reasons, not only for sustenance. Sometimes it’s just to get out of the house, be amongst humans, have some me/alone time, get a change of scenery. Some people are dieting and want to watch their portion sizes. Some are not going home right away and don’t want a

I want to see the apartment video now to see how awful it is

Barf, he just ruined one of my favorite cities.

I’m a renter. At this stage in my life, I have no interest whatsoever in the responsibility and commitment of home ownership. But I can’t do apartment buildings because the older I get, the less I like people, lol. Instead I rent a house and in the past, a duplex. I get all the benefits of renting plus the personal

Mysogynistic much?

Right?! I don’t get it. I bought a couple Anker products based on the glowing recommendations from this site and they were both crap. Never has “you get what you pay for” been more true.

This article caught my eye because I’ve been thinking about getting one of those JBL Pulse 2 bluetooth speakers. I was at a craft

Right?! I don’t get it. I bought a couple Anker products based on the glowing recommendations from this site and

How is anyone supposed to know before they move into a place that an obnoxious ice cream truck is going to park in front of them and blare music incessantly for two hours every night?

Sorry, but why does this have to be a black vs. white issue? Noise is noise. And if there’s a law on the books against it, why shouldn’t she expect it be enforced? Some people have to get up early. Two hours of that kind of obnoxious, incessant sound is enough to drive anyone nuts, much less keep them from getting a

Stop using the phrase “self-employed worker.” If you are self-employed, you aren’t a worker, you’re a business. Period.

Exactly! It doesn’t matter how big the project or client is or how much you’re charging. EVERY client should be signing a full and complete PROPER agreement before you lift a finger. That’s just normal (and smart) business procedure.

What do you mean you “might” want to have your own contract? OF COURSE you NEED your own contract. We have got to stop perpetuating this myth that freelancers are some form of employee. NO. By definition, a freelancer is a self-employed business owner (whether they are aware of it or not, but they had better be

Does anyone remember this article: