
Okay, but everyone’s aware of that, and it shouldn’t change EA”s decision. Moreover, they should be harsher with people like him - he is profiting off the game, so he is to some degree representing it, and as such they have a vested interest in making sure the people representing their products aren’t horrible garbage

Well that just makes him more of an idiot for jeopardizing his source of income with his truly imbecilic behavior. EA did the right thing here, and the negative consequences to him were his own fault and were totally avoidable.

How is this possibly going to be anything other than completely terrible.

Yeah Jerati’s betrayal seemed telegraphed since she showed up at Picard’s place. I thought the same thing: they didn’t show her conversation with the Star Fleet shaded villain, she just told Picard what supposedly happened, which immediately seemed like the writers were trying to hide something. And every scene with

Jeez, “frothing at the mouth man hater”? Really? Do you have anything to support that misogyny-soaked statement beyond the fact that she referenced an actual thing that happened that many, many people were ignoring because he was good at sports? And if you balk in the slightest that I used the term misogyny to

Yeah, a big part of the previous MCU movies’ appeal was that, while each did their own things, they were all to some degree building to a huge shared event, which was then fully realized. They still did a decent job of laying the groundwork for interesting stories going forward, and Far From Home seemed to do okay in

Tell me about it. As someone who used to work in finance I had a very small amount of economics education, and this always stood out to me, so I asked people who I knew were more educated in the field. My thinking was this: as the US economy is 70% consumer spending, and the economy is not static - even if everything

Yeah, I don’t know what the right word is - non-extreme? Like a blank canvas for the prosthetics department to make the alien features the most prominent without being overly fake or cheesy.

If showing evidence of being thin-skinned negates one’s right to accuse others of the same, you need to shut down your account immediately.

But that’s a terrible defense, and that defense alone will get people dismissing you as bitter and without a point, whether or not it’s true. Being accused of doing something bad and responding “Look! Look! They are doing it too!” doesn’t negate that it’s bad itself.

I wonder if waiting this long to have Fineman do what she was most known for before getting hired was done strategically, getting people to tune in for several wasted episodes hoping to see her impressions before finally delivering. But that assumes a more deliberate, calculated action on the show’s part that history

Wow LiA, the art is amazing but that is confusing as hell. Both in terms of the sense of movement and what the joke is supposed to be.

Yeah, I barely play BLM as the movement dynamic can get really annoying. I’ve been dps’ing mostly as MCH as the freedom of movement is amazing and it’s easy to play so I don’t have to be crazy-focused on rotation - I’ve always been somewhat annoyed with MNK as the constant focus on rotation causes me frustration when

As someone who has played every role since the beginning, I definitely noticed a marked change in how most tanks behave since the latest expac came out. They simplified tanking materially to get more people tanking, which it looks like has happened, but the result is there are a lot of these pretty basic run-and-gun ta

Every game is different. In 5, you take chip damage but the only chip damage that can kill you is from a super. There isn’t a universal parry system. There is a V-skill and V-trigger system in place (V-skill can be used at all times, V-trigger has its own bar to build up first), which gives every character a unique

Agreed, there’s not really anything he does that is in any way well-meaning, it’s all at its core tremendously selfish. He gets mistreated by Dennis and his dad so people have sympathy for him, but victimhood isn’t itself a positive characteristic.

You assert that refusing to let him testify was reason for the republicans to shut the democrats out of the trial and treat it like a joke. That is incorrect. As I stated, the republicans calling him to testify was a trick to manipulate the impeachment trial into something else. The democrats focusing on the actual

Your responses here are really weird.

I’ve always been super into the series, but Infinite was the first one in like twenty years I didn’t get. Kept a close eye on it up to release and it was just constantly disappointing, but mostly it was the fact that a Vs. game without any X-Men characters is insane. If they had somehow really beefed up and

I absolutely agree that his political expectation of the show is just stupid. It’s a comedy show, and any social commentary is in service of that. Holding it to some level of social responsibility is insulting to the public, and viewing it through a lens more focused on that then comedy makes for reviews that can only