When all is said and done I bet these guys will have done the most damage to Batman.
When all is said and done I bet these guys will have done the most damage to Batman.
PTI is the only that has interesting debate while being entertaining and (sometimes) insightful.
I've been wondering lately - I spend a ridiculous amount of mental capital on self-loathing. This loathing is the result of poor diet and lack of exercise. Yet every time I have to decide what to eat/whether to go to the gym I always make the wrong choice. ITS MY BRAIN'S FAULT. Discuss.
When you die at the palace, you really DIE at the palace
Think he got the mayor of Toronto wrong....ask Cook.
"Hey Josephus!"
bah weep granah weep nini bong
They should also get Tesla Tasers. I mean if we're already here...
you the man roy....you the man
I mean by 60+ how many people are actually worried about how their skin looks? If I get to that age I'm just cashing in my chips and bangin' hookers until its over.
and they look badass when standing alone being bored
Yeah but which twin is COOLER? I think we all know.
Best 'sports' show on TV. Period.
Didn't This American Life already cover this?
this thing is.......ballsy?
notice how he has the same skin-tone as the rest of these people. Maybe he's not black he just tans in NJ with these chicks.