
Cavill’s probably even more excited to be working on the Warhammer project. He seems like a genuinely good guy, whereas the Rock...nah, he’s a meathead.

That sounds like a great party, actually.

Did they make VinDiesel cars? I hear they were fast, if not furious.

That IS the joke, but people have no room for parody or humor when they’re too busy being outraged and policing other people.

I like the cut of your jib. I never played Supreme Commander, though I was a huge fan of Total Annihilation.

Princess Di might have had some other kind of privilege besides being pretty, but your point is taken.

They can moor it off the coast of the stupid wall city thing in Saudi Arabia. Best to keep all the really stupid mega projects in one spot.

The camera person rolling in on the hoverboard was priceless (and hilariously fitting).

I’ve heard that. Maybe by 2024 things will have improved. (wishful thinking)

I think the most a Mav can tow is 4k, but that’s the 2.0l Ecoboost; the hybrid has more modest capabilities. That it’s only a 4' box is going take some getting used to, as I have a 7' box now. Though I’m happy to trade 3' of box length for two extra doors.

This is the same here. My wife has a Soul EV and looooooves it. I have an old Mazda B2200 as my occasional driver/yard waste transport device, and this is working well for us.

Prettiest Prius” is a low bar. Still, this is a very nice looking car, Prius or not.

Arm them and give them to Ukraine.

Russia can have its boats back when they give the jets back. Sounds like a fair deal, don’t you? And I wonder how many millions the Russians are spending maintaining those jets...

That grill still looks like someone in fishnets bending over, and no matter how good the damn thing is I can never unsee that.

One would imagine that a professional actor would choose their pre-audition meal a little better than that.

All that and Stephen Hawking giving you directions. Pretty cool.

Sounds like they use a computer to troll people. I like that.

He probably has some Cherokee in him though, right?

We clearly, as a society, must start doing relationship audits. Of course we’ll need complete, exhaustive documentation on when people met, what was said, where they want, who they were with (Instagram seems to be ahead of the game with this). It’s the only way to ensure the safety of young, impressionable men and