
If you take anything away from this, that is one of the better ones. I get turned on by all kinds of things, patriarchy be damned! I was slicing an orange this morning and yep, that gave me a tingle. Too bad hubs and I both had meetings. I’m weird and if we just let each other enjoy and explore their own weirdness

Or marketing for their turbo engines.

Confession: At the time, I really liked the Mercury Cougar from the early 2000s.

A few more terms of Trump-style government and there will be large fences and a DMZ on both the North and South borders. And they WILL have been built and paid for by Canada and Mexico to keep the political and other refugees from flooding into their countries.

I think you’re giving too much and too credit to Stellantis at the same time. Remember, this is the company that goes about stuffing massive V8s into anything it can. It’s Lego engineering, and to a degree it’s not all that bad. Less R&D, more modularity, fewer bespoke parts, and on and on. That the Jeep has a

That’s an interesting point. I suppose, from the point of view of rehab and especially AA, the healing is focused on the person in rehab/AA. It’s about making that person whole, or at least less broken.

I’m curious about the throwaway statement:

I’m pretty sure that Black is the only member of the cast so far who’s actually played Borderlands.

I immediately don’t like them* because they’re too goddamn attractive, but I respect the thoughtfulness and effort they’re putting into their relationship. If they’re still hot for one another after 5 years (it’s not hard to believe, just fucking LOOK AT THEM) and they’re happy and communicating, well then they are

Right. If they’re not raging at ME, then I just leave them the fuck alone until they calm down or go away. Not my problem.

I hope she doesn’t get paid for the committees and whatnot that she’s not participating in now. Do these folks get paid more to do more? I honestly have no idea how they people get compensated for the, uh, work that they do.

Love love LOVE the video. It’s a theme park combined with an old timey theatrical number.

Yeah, no rape joke assumed by me either. “Watch your back” was the message I understood.

Make sure he’s in general pop w/ lots of IoC (Inmates of Color) to very closely monitor him.

Sounds like Witchcraft! I’m gonna try that.

I know how they can fund that program: Cops pension fund.

Well she’s black, so can no doubt produce a Glock out of thin air, right? Those blacks DO have superpowers you know: to scare racist white cops shitless.

moronic bullies

This could be the first actual case of self-cancelling turn signals, ever.

Oops. Deleted.