instaface influenzer

Meanwhile, I think youre just picking on him because hes among the most popular and it helps you sell your clickbaits. Pick on those other hundreds of billionaires next will you.

It’s funny how fast the left turn on each other.

Maybe you could use a pair of these.

Agreed. Bought my wife a year-old 2014 AWD V6 Crosstour...full leather...TVs in the headrests...Nav...basically every upgrade short of the R/T package (which is just silly when you look at it).

non-subprime buyer here. we have a 2016 4cyl/4speed (whatever, wife drives it). 3 zone climate, big screen, soft touch all over the place. NO money down 3 year lease 230$/month. 90 degree opening doors, storage galore, 3 row seats. I drive a GTI myself but damn if the journey wasn’t a HELL of a deal and really not bad

USVI is LHD cars but drive on the left side.

in england there are houses built before there w as an england, and before there was a town that needed a road so there are 1500 year old houses that is 2 inches away from the soft curb that you could hit with your mirrors. you can see that their walls have been scraped a million times by cars.

I lived in the BVI till I was 7, and the drivers were crazy enough that I can still remember them.

I have never seen more insanely fast driving around corners and over blind hills than in the Virgin Islands.

Yup, my 1st time in Cyprus my bf was driving and I kept freaking out thinking we were going to get in accidents then realizing he knew what he was doing. Trying to override 20+ years of driving on the right side of the road is a challenge to say the least!

I hope you have money, buddy, because I just threw my remote through my 55-...my 86 inch screen tv!

To claim that this makes sense because the mere idea of defense is too important is to claim that a poor defender who actively hurt his team in the field is inherently more valuable than any equivalent player who helped his team by not having the chance to doing so.

Meth gives you killer triceps?

I’m less interested in, like, who the fucking idiot who voted for Livan Hernandez is than who the four people who apparently voted for Clemens but not Bonds are, and why (I realize this is based on the assumption that all 238 people who voted for Bonds also voted for Clemens, which may not be accurate, but whatever).

I worked for a guy restoring beetles. He kept a pile of original hubcaps. 30 yeae old hubcaps looked better than the new cheap ones. They would rust while new in the box

You’re a moron.

We are in a day and age where people knowingly eat Tide Pods for sport. Stories like this do not surprise me...

Imagine a world, where content creators are paid by the word....

ORIGINAL German hub caps last a lot longer than cheap mexican replacements