instaface influenzer

Super neat if you like Jeeps (and I do.)

It was neither “waffle” nor “honest admittance”

Burneko scoffing at this might actually increase sales.  Although a very talented writer, the guy is a culinary clown.

Burneko scoffing at this might actually increase sales.  Although a very talented writer, the guy is a culinary

Hold on a moment...

This news makes me sad.

My father referred to it as “the golden parachute” back in the early 90's when his employment with a struggling tech company came to a close.

Neither can we call this a begging of misery, or a borrowing
of misery, as though we were not miserable enough of ourselves, but
must fetch another octopus from the next house.

not to mention his recall links don’t align with the model year suggested...

Hot take:

Breast meat is more expensive. Wholesale, bl/sl random-sized breast is roughly $1/#, while leg quarters are about half that.*

Yes, but how much fat in 5oz of rabbit? Tell me about that delicious RABBIT!!!

1. Where we’re going, we don’t need roads

Damn you. This was good.

Posted 29 days ago and still for sale? Hmmmmmm.

Welp. Neither ought to need lifted down the road... so... there’s that.

I cannot do better than this.

eat my ass

FoxCopStang for 16,9?