Do I really want to see her in 20 years?
Do I really want to see her in 20 years?
I will lock arms and join you on said hill.
I see. Never did have that “original German” type of money when I was a teen.
btw, was my first car ever at 16. Had it from 94 to 99.
Serious question from a former owner of a ‘74 super dual-port...
Over/Under on 40+ year old injuries directly caused by this tomorrow?
Cookie Monster or JarJar?
it’s never safe to assume
Only if it rapidly passes through you in a straight line DI-rectly into the mouth of the great porcelain God.
just. wow.
Not worse than the “Malibu”
Meh. Could be worse.
+11 Million
Not so much on the white meat, huh?
Problem Solved!
whoa, whoa, whoa.