instaface influenzer

I got really excited reading the headline.

TL/DR & Bullshit. Your tween is totes helping you.

Nah, you shouldn’t it’s total CP.

Sometimes when I’m MVCS, I have issues with CBDR. I get texts, too, and I’m all like TLDR, which gives me FOMO, and then I forget about it, B/C ADD, but then my OCD kicks in and I pick up my phone and try hard to reply, but PEBKAC so I just put it down and wonder, like “should I GIAR?”

What, did you get sodomized in a basement once?

Is a taco a sandwich?

Oh, excellllllent. Let’s pleeeeease get those last remaining 2% of articles holding out to finally include Trump-roasts.

Must be a Browns fan in the back of the room.

I can quite confidently say that he’s not in the southern hemisphere(s).

Considering that Lynch had trucked for 102 yards on 24 carries to that point, had 15 (regular & postseason) career touchdown runs from the one yard line and 42 career from 5 yards or less...........

If your headline is true, I, on behalf of Patriots nation, enthusiastically say

This is such a great test that it’s been filed under “Heath” in order to easily find it weeks from know after you’ve drank it from memory.

So, Alabama has now won six of the last ten national championships?

Hadn’t see this gem. Thanks.

This is why I read deeply into the comment section... just to make sure at least someone else is right-thinking. I submit that Lake of Fire is superior to Man Who Sold the World... in terms of acoustic Nirvana, anyway. 

This is the correct take.


Nice breast(feather)

For all of the time that you’ve spent posting mini-rants against the editing, design, advertising, and random what-not on this site... one would think that instead maybe you’d have just... found somewhere else to go.

John Oliver > Stephen Colbert.