
YES!!! This is my victory dance gif. I lived with two roommates not long ago who simply REFUSED to use the dishwasher because they wanted to “save water,” and got annoyed when I would use it for myself and put their dirty sink dishes in with mine. We had a really high water bill one month and they tried to blame ME

The minute they are rescued, they should get Plan B if they’ve been raped in the past couple of days, treatment for whatever STDs these assholes have left them with, and abortions for any of the pregnant ones. What the fuck is wrong with people that they are forcing almost every one of these girls to give birth to and

Again, it had nothing to do with enjoying upsetting him because he called me fat, it had to do with enjoying upsetting him because he intentionally and knowingly engages in a behavior designed to make women feel like shit about themselves, and it backfired on him, quite literally, by making him feel like shit about

Yeah, that was an exaggeration for comic effect, number one, and I seriously give no fucks about the opinion of someone who feels it’s appropriate to judge a woman about her weight and comment about it directly and then get high and mighty about her returning the barb. This guy also continued to engage with me after I

Yes, but that doesn’t mean we should STOP LAUGHING AT THEM. Boys like this don’t deserve anything more from us.

She carries off a dramatic formal look very well. One of my favorite looks of her is very polarizing but I think only Rihanna could pull this off:

Jesus, that’s depressing. They’re terrified of pot ruining their kids’ lives, not so worried about what kicking them out of the house would do...

BPD brass readily admits that officers and the driver did not provide timely medical attention after requested by Gray, and they have been found liable in court for confining at least two people to wheel chairs after being otherwise healthy before entering a Police wagon similar to the one Gray was transported in.

I blame the department and let me tell you why. They praise rookie officers. They’ll go around making a 100 arrests a month, and they’ll praise them. These rookie officers will do anything to get an arrest because they want more praise, you know what I’m saying? This is the result of it. They arrested Gray for some

Ok I’m a boy, well, I’m a 26 year old man but I WAS a boy & seriously?! Go fuck yourselves! I knew an incredible girl in HS (I-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e) she’s my 1 who got away (my fault, not hers) & for whatever reason she saw fit to give me a naked picture. I was as drunk, high, horny, & entitled as ANY guy who ever lived

Controversial feminist opinion ahead:

No, what you’re saying is that if the mother and father in this situation disagree, the mother should do what the father thinks or else she’s a bitch. This isn’t a situation of compromising, it’s either go or don’t go, and you’re saying that she shouldn’t do it just because the father didn’t want her to - in this case

That’s not how parenting works. That’s not how any of that works. As a parent, I don’t need my husbands permission to do ANYTHING with my kids. Most of the time, he’s cool with my calls, a few times he walks away shaking his head. Once he voiced his objection, we talked about it, he backed off. Because I’m a competent

I discovered something truly beautiful while I was searching for the above gifs :

The special will be hot sausage, every day.

I have often said that equal-opportunity objectification will be the gender equality we end up with.

Unfortunately, for the trendsetters, it can’t be about the results. It’s about the action. You did everything you could do to make the Peace Corp, and the government of Burkina Faso look at your case. It was miserable because it was first.

It will be a little easier for the second, who will make it easier for the

Great, I hope you feel the same way when she loses by 15 points and we get stuck with a Republican, a Republican who isn’t just owned by Wall Street like the Clintons are, but will then use his Presidency to start a few more wars, repeal healthcare, treat gay people like second class citizens, cut funding for