Who's the Cheekybutt

And he will need Spicey to ride in on the podium to introduce him.

You know, the GOP has an online survey you can complete to tell The Donald what you think of his accomplishments. You can find it tweeted from Rogue POTUS Staff.

Fuck her and her unflattering hair color. It isn't just depressing. It's infuriating.

if Trump's policies on trade, deportation and energy are even partially realized here in Texas, you will get your blue Collin County.

Well, you didn't taste HER chicken.

Yes, the DeLay redistricting has had grave long term consequences to Texas elections. Every local
elected seat in Dallas County, save the DA, is blue but our national and state representation is purple. And that doesn't even address the problem of disenfranchisement through the electoral college.

Maybe that's why they are wearing those suit things?

Yes the district was one of the ones gerrymandered to dilute votes by Tom DeLay.

You are exactly (and sadly) right.

Yep. I fully expect him to flake out like the coward senators are doing.

Maybe my quarrel is with this episode's expository dialogue that referenced the extinction. I understand that it's there to make Will's decision about joining the resistance more clear, but it's hard to see how anyone could be in that colony and assume that the Hosts ever plan to leave. It's also hard to understand

My mother always fried it without the skin, which is how I like it.

That the colonists are just now figuring out that the overlords want to work LA until extinction strains the thin layer of credulity that holds this show together as science fiction. What did they think the overlords would do when they started by executing anyone who didn't agree with the wall and policy? If it's a

"You want to go to Hooters and get some soup?"

She was also a single mother battling a drinking problem. Tough time for her.

Thank God. That's the shitty song by which all shitty songs are measured.

I would never prevent a child from watching a show with flesh eating zombies.

were they YUGE?

I will never understand performance art or why John Lennon married Yoko.