I had trouble seeing a little girl being anxious about not being able to breath, albeit a zombie-human girl that is Smurf blue.
I had trouble seeing a little girl being anxious about not being able to breath, albeit a zombie-human girl that is Smurf blue.
Please, some rich NYer. Grab Mike Pence by the pussy. If you're a celebrity, you can get away with it.
Trump ceded his proprietary position as an arbitrator of manners and dignity by making fun of a disabled reporter, using his bully pulpit for abusing woman and minorities, and generally being a lying sack of rich boy shit.
For weeks it's been clear (at least to me) that what Pazuzu wanted was Reagan. Pazuzu's manipulation got the priests to allow her to be at the exorcism. In another media setting (like a film), their ignorance that he would jump to her would have been a glaring plot hole.
My heart hurts for our country.
I know I would!
I wanted to see a series about Cricket the Clairvoyant Detective!
He and Cricket were two spots of light in an otherwise dismal season. But, you are right, the script either wasted them on exposition or disembowelment.
Although I enjoyed the way the season was structured, I thought it would have worked better with fewer characters and subplots. I thought that there were so many stories that, in the end, I didn't care about any of them. I just didn't think the whole thing held together very well.
You just shot LaCroix out of my nose.
at least you made me chuckle over it.
A friend from Jordan, a country whether the majority of people speak English and which has been a strong friend of the US for over 70 years, had to go to Seattle on business. His job was to show correspondent banks how to price municipal bonds so that he could help them decide whether to sell or keep them. He had…
Sadly, you are right.
For a nanosecond, I really wanted to see that porno.
i laughed out loud at every butter churning and electrocution joke.
"She always wore Shalimar."
This book was so popular in the 1960s that it inspired the eponymous Leon Russell song, Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start The Fire," the Police song "Don't Stand So Close to Me," and a whole SF album by the Jefferson Airplane/Starship. Gene Roddenberry used theme from it for a half dozen Star Trek episodes. It started the…
I don't think Bernie is the future of the DNC. But I do think the current leadership needs to let younger people take it over. And I think it would work better if the leaders were from anyplace other than the Amtrak corridor.
I thought it was a well placed jab, but I am older than a lot of the Simpsons viewers.
Yes, it is. And the characters are more fully fleshed out, which is making me root for the family.