
Burning the letter was absolutely a practical and tactical decision, plus folding like that allowed it to burn from the top down, that is cool.

I think the North Star, especially in this episode, represents a Truth that the each character is looking for to hold on to, something they consider a rock. A star that never moves while all the others circle around out.

But the obvious irony, to me, is that she still IS perfectly willing to kill this father of 3, even though losing her own children is her #1 fear.

My B. I sometimes get carried away. I will try to be more PC in the future.

It's a phenomenon that happens to all great shows, the finale is scrutinized beyond what is realistic, including this one.

I saw this finale and was all, Yayyy!!!!

Yeah, after I found out he got green paint on his ears, I immediately renounced all of the hours of enjoyment I got out of this show, and vowed to never watch it again, and to tell everyone who'll listen that it's total garbage.

They kinda went off the books with the first raid as well, but got all the credit.

Haha, no shit. There's been visually/superficially uglier darker endings in a lot of shows and movies, but the way TD set up everything, from the characters, to the eery camera shots of backwoods sister-fuck Louisiana, to the crazy creepy music, it all added up to something in the same league as Colonel Kurtz. No

Man, are you high? I feel like I know more about Rust and Marty than their therapist would (if they had one).

Me too, I actually watched every episode with captions on because missing one or two words would have thrown certain plot lines completely off.

Again, the Yellow King is more of a deity the cult worshipped. He WILL live on, in the form of other killers, rapists, and Justin Bieber concerts.

Agreed, but different enough to be original. I had to have my girlfriend put eye drops in my eyeballs cuz I refused to blink through that whole thing.

haha, nice. I have some circumaurals that are older and a pair of PX-100 IIi which are about the same amazing quality and bass as the circumaurals. Easily best portable headphones I've ever owned. My third pair, each one has lasted around 2 years. Not bad for 50 bucks.

I thought about him tell Marty's wife to get the fuck out, but even then, it felt more like controlled yelling. Ok yes, anger, but it was suppressed.

Same here, some Sennheisers. I love the full experience.

Your examples for your argument are spot on.

Anyone else watch this with a decent audio system?

Obviously it was a drug flashback, but to think of it as only that is boring.

There was also sister sex, but let's never speak of that again.