
American banks. Gotta love it. Did you know that you can transfer money from one end of Europe to the other on the same day, regardless of bank/person/etc? It doesn’t even cost anything, and there’s a shootload of banks in Europe, not to mention not every country is on the Euro.

I have to admit some confusion... CF is freaky strong compared to steal. I do know that CF breaks altogether rather than buckles like steel, but even so this is the stuff they use for racing cars because steel is too weak.

...seriously do not see the need for this. Even professional chefs just pour out an amount and carry on. Unless you’re baking - in which case you’re using measuring utencils anyhow and should regardless.

...seriously do not see the need for this. Even professional chefs just pour out an amount and carry on. Unless

Part of the challenge we live under is the extreme rip off that comes with the medical profession. Seriously... how can it be cheaper to fly to a stable, first-world European country, get the treatment, stay and recuperate; than to get it done in the US? Paying cash all the way too I might add, no exploiting of NHS

The real irony? The voters that actually make a difference don’t actually care about this. Which is sad, but true.

The government body responsible for Food and Drugs is asking what’s healthy... Oh. My. God. are they kidding?!?

It’s an interesting question, and depends on what you mean by “fun”. Fast, pretty, and easy to maintain? For me, Caddilac CTS-V 2005/2006 will meet your needs. The big ass chevy V8, coupled with rear-drive beast will put most things in their place fast.

The problem with these sort of machines is that the bag is way too small to be a benefit. You literally get a small handful in there (even if mulched), than would take you about 30 seconds to pickup by hand, but 2-3 minutes to vacuum, empty bag, reattach bag, etc.

The problem with these sort of machines is that the bag is way too small to be a benefit. You literally get a small

Sorry but... people put their wallets in their back pocket?!?!? Who would be so foolish? And... seriously, it doesn’t feel right there. And easier for someone to steal it. And every time you sit you’re bending plastic cards and testing money clip strength (if you have them), not a good thing...

Sorry but... people put their wallets in their back pocket?!?!? Who would be so foolish? And... seriously, it

I must be having different dreams... this would be more of a nightmare.

I must be having different dreams... this would be more of a nightmare.

As someone who’s travelled extensively, I’ve tried a lot of things over the years. One thing I found worked well doesn’t make sense at first, but if you think about it it does make some (twisted) sense:

I prefer bigger lumps for my scrambled... but damn this sounds tasty :)

Land of the “Free”... as long as you have bushels of cash to purchase and maintain that freedom, sure.

Wow I’m surprised no mention of the 996 chassis porche 911. Not all are droptops, true, but damn an extremely cheap and reliable fun classic shaped car. The fault that causes this to be cheap is the IMS bearing, which is now replaceable with a ceramic bearing; a fairly cheap and easy fix for a tool-friendly guy. I

I’m sorry but... I read “alternative vaccine schedules” and I don’t read “anti-vaccine”. Alternative Schedules is a very different school of thought, and NOT ANTI VACCINE.