Who Ferrigno

Stawwwp Daveed

I look forward to Shia LeBeouf eating his own face.

"ohh, piece of nose candy"

Can't wait for Kellyanne Conway to tell us all about the Massacre of Red Noses in her next Press Conference.

He left that glass of Fight Milk alone.

I hope Hot Ones keeps getting bigger. Watching how unhinged the interview gradually gets makes for fun viewing.

We don't talk about Lisa Goes Gaga

Sure, add it to the list!

That kid has waaaay too much confidence. When I was his age, I was busy being scared of the underground theme in Mario and baths.

Yeah, this presidency is going to give up fuck up gold for me to bat an eyelid after the state of the primaries.

I see him more as an Ozymandias type.


I thought Being Frank was the massive waste of a great opportunity.

I really didn't like Everybody Wants Some. Linklater is much better than Bro-fest-sport movie

It's *an* Stephen Fry level of wordplay

Says a guy who only gave Rourke and Joyce 10% of The Smiths royalties

Cue Berardald!


Thor: Why does thou have a baby strapped to ones chest.

she seems to be able to do everybody elses job better than anyone with no prior training, why not the devil too?