
I am not one to be all “think of the children!” but after months of playing OW I’ve concluded that competitive multiplayer games are no place for children and that’s even without considering the chat. I’ve come across so many kids in OW that do not have the temperament to handle the stress and end up shutting down

I am really hesitant for my kids to play games online specifically because of the misplaced profanity and racism.

Hmm, its difficult to argue. But bear in mind, that racism and profanity are an integral part of the internet user base. So quite apart from your kids being exposed to that kind of thing in online games, if they use the internet at all, they must have already been exposed to it, to some degree. And you can’t quite

I hate to say it but you may as well just keep them off the internet then. The comment section of youtube or anywhere else is really no better.

The confidence of anonymity.

““real” graphics card like the $200 Nvidia 1070"

Not sure what you’re talking about by “not as impressive” when these graphics look pretty sexy all things considered.

Related reason: It is used by 100% of my corporate clients and potential clients and if I don’t have the same software they do, I don’t get the gig.

Seriously. This, plus my work blocks Google Docs.

I mean, it’s got to be nice to be privileged to work in an office that uses conveyances like Slack and Google Docs while the rest of true enterprise relies on traditional software packages to get our work done.

HAHAHAHAHA google docs having more features? have you even use it? and textedit??? seriously??? that thing is liken notepad! should we stop using word because of a security hole? then we should stop using computers altogether! please turn off your router

At nearly every employer. Seriously. It is the same reason why Windows or Macs are all you will really find in places of work.

Because there are worse things out there than Microsoft Office. Anyone forced to use IBM Notes knows what I’m talking about.

Not only this, but my employer actually blocks Google Docs and won’t allow me to install or access any unapproved software. Also no cloud anything (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) or flash drives- all files must be on secure servers.

Enterprise/proprietary software is usually compatible only with Microsoft Word. Exchange is the same way with specific compatibility with the programs we use for communication purposes and our phone systems.

Given that this response will be very popular, my question to the author is why are you trying to shame people when they don’t have a choice? Did you not consider that when you decided (were told) to write an article bashing MS Word and the people who use it?

1. With thrusters they can control where it lands. With parachutes, you have very little if any control.

2. Parachute landings tend to happen in large bodies of salt water like the ocean. Salt water is really bad for ... well everything.

3. One goal is landing rockets in non-Earth environments like Mars. Since Mars has

The biggest reason I still use Chrome is because it syncs across all my devices - home and work Macbook, Pixel, and iPad. Vivaldi looks great but until it syncs everything, it’s not much use to me.

No matter how much I try, I just can not get into this game as much as I did Civ V.

Your that asshole that fucks it up for everyone if you are using that much data.