
“Teen hero stumbles into ragtag rebel’s plot to destroy planet-killing superweapon, saves the day”

Eh, Abrams didn’t get any further than “let’s remake A New Hope and see if anyone complains”.

Because narratives always have gaps; they are less detailed, necessarily, than the experiences that people have in life that the stories try to invoke. Narrative art is only an impression of the texture of life. If it tried to do more, it would be very tedious; movies would be days long, books tens of thousands of

Ok, time for a tech lesson.

Do you use adobe creative cloud?

Think of how sad it is that Mac users are this desperate for games that paying NVidia $1.25 an hour to play games at reduced resolution/frame rate (either/or, it’s a tradeoff) and increased latency is considered a reasonable and superior solution.

That just about covers it...

i love how kotaku pretty much wrote a hit piece on this service and here is gizmodo saying it’s a “good deal” for mac users.

they just need a mirror option so mac users can gleem at themselves lovingly

Perfect for Mac owners. It requires a tons of money and poor reasoning.