
I’m thinking one of the biggest reasons they may be having issues is because of the whole potions option. If people weren’t allowed to skip the entire game to get to 4.0, there may be less people involved in the new expansion. Thereby putting less stress on the servers specific to those new instances.

The potions were

This. All this. Since its inception, both internet and video game communication, even prior to voice comms for consoles, the anonymity of the internet drops any and all respect, couth and inhabition.

Someone please tell me where I can find a 1070 for 200 dollars?! LOLOLOL I found a new MSI Armor on Newegg for 354.99 AFTER rebate and an Open Box Asus Turbo for 350. Sooo yeah .... there are no 200 dollar 1070s out there. XDD


So I updated to v as of reading about this story yesterday morning only to have to send an email to Google this morning.

IF this “feature” is currently working or at least running on this version of Chrome, it’s definitely NOT working as intended. I’ve actually seen WORSE performance from Chrome than I had

Lol Shield is basically a console box that you can stream games you own on your PC as long as said PC gas an Nvidia GPU. It also streams show and movies.

I use Google’s Project fi. I’m constantly on WiFi, work and home and even in public, and my bill has never been more than 26 bucks. But I’m also not that attached to my phone like some people who, if they lose their phones lose their minds.

Maybe if people backed off once in a while, used WiFi more often, bills would

At least you, unlike others, saw the proverbial writing on the wall.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL no. The fact the latency and input lag on a standard home network may suck you’d be crazy, stupid or both thinking this would be worth the price on a mobile network. XDDD

Not sure what you meant by, “It’s already available for pcs.” If you mean gaming in general; yes. However, there are those who also can’t afford a gaming rig or like Mac owners, don’t want to build/buy a rig. But this service doesn’t exist for either PC or Mac ... yet. They[Nvidia] have sent out invites for people to

Why is it so difficult for people to understand wasting money on a device to have it “try” and do something it wasn’t meant to do is just as difficult to understand?

But you have to remember, they own Mac’s. If they really wanted to game they would have purchased something else. So the “issues” you’re mentioning don’t matter to them.

So you don’t update your Mac? Granted, I understand that the majority of Mac users don’t know a thing about hardware. If they did, they wouldn’t buy outdated over priced Mac’s just because it looks cool and they feel their status will rise. Oh, and because it has an emoji bar.

It’s a bad idea because you then have no idea how to play your JOB!