
Legit criticism: Anita neither plays nor likes video games. She is on record saying this. Why is she the forefront spokeswoman for female gamers, a demographic she doesn't even represent?

Women do need a voice in gaming. But they don't deserve someone like Anita talking for them. She does real female gamers a

They collude to choose to make things like this a big deal even though they are not.

go READ the link and then ask yourself what has shaped your view about this.

Yeah, the bomb threat is absolutely horrid, but she hasn't really done much good. She's been a divisive force in the industry, pushing people away from each other and creating conflict instead of harboring discussion. And she's not even putting out a good message, either. For every real, problematic point she brings

The only intelligent response to anything coming out of this woman's mouth is as follows:

Im so tired of her, seriously, her initial intention was noble, but now its gotten to the point where she is just using her victim persona to gain more attention.

She wants to talk about the depiction of women in video games and how they are always in need of rescue, well, thats exactly what she is doing now.

If she

This is getting ridiculous.

The bomb threat was retarded but she didn't deserve that award. She promotes conflict for views and hates actual real discussion. She is no ambassador but instead a lousy troll that sets back any real progress that other female representatives have done in the industry.

Curious as to what spurred this article at a time when there's heavy criticism against Anita and a pushback from other feminists like Christina Sommers.

Almost choked trying to stifle the laugh in my cube at the limo conversation.

"My dear boy, I raid toooombs." My gut hurts from laughing at that line.

I'd be curious to interview the actual guy about it (he'd be like 30 now), but now I know it could never live up to my expectations...

I had to laugh when I read an article stating that you can pre-order (yes, even donuts can be pre-ordered) a dozen by calling a location.

This is too terrible not to share.

Halloween Costume? I just need to find me some of those Nikes

Hail Zoltan!