
I agree. It's not even open world. The worlds feel empty. No chat options. Only thing to do is kill enemies to get loot and repeat. And it's the SAME enemies over and over again. It seems like your stats don't matter either. I'm level 24 and still get killed by 3 level 2s in about 3 seconds. Everyone one shots each

Great article, I have a lot of issues with WoW and it's ilk, but the reality is that many of my friends have great memories from it, and have met good people, whether or not it was ultimately something that they view as a beneficial part of their lives. It's easy to ignore the positive ways that we grow from seemingly

I just recently moved from my Xbox 360 to PS4 and as time goes on I will probably log less and less on the 360 and my old account probably fade away as well.

Not something I think about that often to be sincere as gaming evolves and changes, I adapt and change with it as well.

What I like about the internet as a whole,

Aren't you actually having fun, or are you addicted?

Based on my experience with the beta, I could tell that Bungie spent more effort ensuring that Destiny was a time-sink of an experience rather than creating engaging gameplay.

Right, I was talking to Kirk about this last night (while we were playing Destiny, hilariously). We're planning on running our review this week, after we try out the raids, and even THAT feels too early for a game like this. I'm not sure why so many outlets felt comfortable running their reviews so soon after release.

Doesn't help that reviewing any MMO game is near impossible as there is no ending that all reviewers get to share.

Watch the short segment from Moses2265's stream to see how lucky he was with his Wizard. He was about to run out of time in a Rank 41 Greater Rift, when a very rare Conduit Pylon appeared, buffing his character's damage, killing the boss instantly, and letting him finish the Rift just in time.

But they don't employ bloggers, they employ journalists.

No Kotaku itself might be considered a blog but they employ journalists, have you not been paying attention to the drama of the last month?

"Yes, the concept of a PC Master Race, not to mention the term itself and its most devoted adherent's behaviour, can be problematic"

If Steam Sale is the substitute for Golden Age, then they should get +300% gold and -90% production whenever a Steam Sale is happening because money and they can't hear the voices of people over the sound of money.

I could go for that if it included +50% gold per trade income due to TF2 Hat sales.

Should also have a -50% to science to reflect how long it takes them to actually make games anymore.

The game's level cap is a soft cap, and it's possible to level beyond 20, provided you get the right equipment. I'm right on the cusp of level 25 and while I sense I still have many levels to ascend beyond that, I've got a pretty good sense at this point of how to go beyond level 20. It's… well, it's not the most

If you are Cowboy Bebop or scifi fan in general highly recommend this T-Shirt from Cracked

I believe this is fitting here, as well...

It's back. All your training has been leading up to this one moment. Your body is ready. [SURGE]

It's back. All your training has been leading up to this one moment. Your body is ready. [SURGE]