
I clicked new bio. What next? Do I just email this to my tattoo artist?

She has claws, but not worried, she's only there to inspect my work.

Same here. I grew up in a suburbia in the middle of nowhere (at the time, built up now), right next to a prison farm. Go to the mall? Drive through the prison farm. Go to school every day? Drive through the prison farm. We were not surrounded, but travelled through it many times a week.

About five grand. Friend bought an S6. I suspect around the same amount for the S8. Fantastic car.


hang on a sec... did you set it to DHCP?

If you saw the hardtop for the Barchetta, you'd realize why it isn't on the list. =/

Aircraft Carrier.

2008 S6's, slightly smaller, a little less power from the Lamborghini V10, but run around 30-35K on the used market. Buying a top dollar car from the 2008-2009 recession years is the way to go. However, don't get one without a warranty. Something goes wrong on that sucker and your savings will be depleted.

Wow, that is way up there. I pay less than 600 a year, but it is for a 348 Challenge , 1K deductible, and value parameters set by me, through Hagerty. I do have a old Porsche LeMons/Chump car also covered through Hagerty, so maybe that has something to do with the rate? However, even that is only $129 a year.

Expensive indeed. Some of the old Testarossa parts are either hard to find or unobtainable unless lifted from another wrecked TR.

My friends who want an exotic ask me if this is the case. Do I get stopped at gas stations? Yes. Every single time.

I really dig green cars too, but sadly, they don't do so well on the second hand market.

I applaud guys like JK who ordered his black Enzo with a green interior and the LaF with a kermit green exterior.

It might not be as fancy, but it gets the job done.

Damn allergies kicking up again.

Unsure it is an XX. There are a few differences in the previous test mule and FXX which do not seem to add up. This appears to be a standard LaFerrari (laffer). Note the wheels, the front fascia, radio antennae, and the side windows. Laffer XX is supposed to debut next year.

I always thought it was called Baby Puke Green.

Bikes are cheaper than cars. Well, yes, some of them are. There's a serious time commitment too. I will say that training long miles have helped tremendously in long stints >3 hours in a car. Just like that hill you are heading up, conserving energy with every pedal stroke, you are also doing the same in an enduro

David Hasselhoff was upstaged that day. Viewership of the Bronco chase eclipsed his pay-per-view show which was supposed to bring his singing career to the US.