
Out of curiosity, do you hate peaches too?

Yay for happy endings! I’m really glad it all worked out for you. I tried and tried to pretend I had a happy ending too, so I wouldn’t fit that stereotype of the knocked-up teen whose life went astray, then finally got a divorce a couple of years ago when I was grown up and independent enough to accept that I had just

I’m currently pregnant again, and being hungry and having to pee motivates me to change course more than anything else right now. So I understand the not staying to fight. Hope you ended up with a good situation and happy baby and have enjoyed being a momma.

No. Not even when he shows up with weapons or beats the shit out of you. I had not been beaten, but I had been pushed, spit on, and was afraid that my ex had access to a gun and brought it over to my house on the day I’m referring to. He had parked me into my driveway and screamed at me in front of my neighbors and

Q: What’s the difference between a gang and a sorority?

“ladies, get a restraining order the moment you start to feel threatened!”

No hugs given. But I shudder to think that they marked me off on some list of people who came into their office and spoke with them and left with the decision to carry the baby to term and raise him. And got some anti-abortion gold star for it or something. Ew.

It wasn’t traumatic at all. Just disappointing. Because there is a real need for crisis pregnancy centers, with the words taken at face value. A lot of pregnancies are crises for women/girls experiencing them. I was like “Here I am. Help me. I need help.” And they had nothing for me. No one did, but these people

True story: I was pregnant at 19, while in college, with years until graduation and about 1,000 miles from my supportive family. I went to one of the Crisis Pregnany Centers, not knowing their agenda but feeling like I was in crisis, and was like “Help!” They asked me some weird questions about what my plans were to

That is disgusting. Small government?

Actually I didn’t realize, but I see now. When my son was little, he would have fingerprint bruises from where we picked him up, all along his ribcage. He was “my little peach.” Hemophilia is one area where genetic modification will probably take off (again) in the near future -some of the earliest human gene therapy

Nitpicking here- hemophilia in the family, i.e. “bruising easily,” which is exactly what I would use this for if I could.

How can such a vibrant, rabid market (and after-market) exist for such phenomenally boring and showily tasteless shift dresses?

High fives are a good offer too, “because you’re awesome.”

My male family members do this. Almost all of them. It’s hard not to hate them.

Also when I was a young teenager (braces, acne, no boobs, maybe 12....?), my much older brother suddenly developed an interest in me, which I thought was nice. He was in his late 20s, which seemed like a “cool” age to be. He wanted to take me out places and I wanted to go, concerts and cool places for lunch etc. He

I was about 14, on vacation with my family and I bought these really pretty flowered pants. I wore them out and got whistled at by a bunch of construction workers, while I was with my family. Gross. They were really cool pants too, but I didn’t ever feel ok wearing them after that.

I agree with you.

I may be the only one, but I think this is adorable. Her face is like “Yup. This is what my life has come to.”

You could make an arrangement with a local preschool to take the unwanted stuff off your hands. Or stash it until Toys for Tots come around in season.