
When I was about 14 I asked my dad, who is handicapped, "What is the one thing that you would do if you could do anything in the world?" He said "Run down the street." Perspective is everything.

This is really upsetting. I bet you were so displeased with your body at that point, and here's everyone around you enjoying its appearance. Our bodies are great bodies when they work, and good bodies when they mostly work, and sometimes even the ways they make us feel bad are results of our bodies trying to heal

Help. My daughter is 6 and I really want to NEVER SAY ANYTHING about her appearance, except positive things. The sweet girl made up a song the other day that was just repeated: "It doesn't matter what you look like, it matters what you act like!" and variations thereof. So it's working, for now. But she doesn't

Not my OB, but thanks for the concern and the congrats. Maybe I should write a review on her.


I would say that you can't SEE the breadth of abuse until you are away from it, although you start to feel it after it has gone on awhile. But you swallow those feelings.

Great point. An OB I saw yesterday told me that at 12 weeks my baby is "fully formed," and there's "nothing I can do to cause birth defects." Uh... what? She meant to reassure me, but you know what really reassures me? Facts.

What states?

That is utterly heartbreaking :(

It's just that I'm so fucking tired all the time. I don't care too much to do anything that doesn't need being done.